Vale Roth’s painful surgery to remove industrial silicone that was injected at the age of 19 Glamorama

Author: Cristián Farías Ravanal / June 8, 2024

«I was 19 years old and it was fashionable to get lip fillers, some things. And not with hyaluronic acid, which is what is used today, but with anything,” Vale Roth recalls about what was injected into his mouth more than a decade ago. His mouth began to swell, deform, and hurt. Finally, in 2023 he consulted a doctor.

He had been injected with industrial silicone and decided to remove it through surgery for which they had to perform 200 stitches on the upper lip and another 200 on the lower lip. In Podemos Hablar, the showbiz figure reported:

«(He injected himself) In a (center) called Todo Sol. Like a solarium center, but they also gave you body massages, they gave you a little mouth massage. ‘Sandy’ (refers to Natalia Rodríguez, former Yingo figure) went there, they put the same thing in her mouth and she wants to take it out. He is not in Chile now, but he wants to return (to remove the silicone).

«It was becoming more and more deformed. I put it on when I was 19 and when I was 32 I just took it off. They tell you ‘this is going to last a little while’. They tell you it’s ‘hyaluronic acid’. She lies. It became more and more inflamed, forming little balls, how ugly, you couldn’t see my teeth.

«It started to deform. That’s why they told me ‘Vale’s face is weird’, like she’s swollen… My mouth looked swollen and my mouth was falling out, deforming that entire part and making my teeth less noticeable. She started to hurt me…

«I saw myself on TV and I was upset… Now I’m going to see myself because I look regal and pretty. But before I didn’t like it. The last time I came to Podemos Habla I didn’t like it either, because my mouth looked very strange.

«It was hurting a lot and I didn’t like taking photos, I didn’t like seeing myself on TV. I had a very pretty (face) and I got ugly… Don’t do it… It’s super dangerous, because it could have gone to a lymph node…

«I went to the doctor to see what I had. They did an ultrasound on me and they found that I had industrial silicone in my mouth, up and down… That’s wall glue.

«This was a month after having my daughter. I had it in June and in July I went to the doctor.

«They opened me, they did 200 stitches on me and 200 stitches on me… I couldn’t eat! Terrible! I took everything with a light bulb… I had surgery with a surgeon. “Now I like it, I can see my teeth.”

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