Juan Di Natale justified his violent reaction with the LAM notary: It’s bad if they provoke me

Juan Di Natale justified his violent reaction with the LAM notary: It’s bad if they provoke me
Juan Di Natale justified his violent reaction with the LAM notary: It’s bad if they provoke me

“You go with your little boy, go. Pet… to the petiso and don’t screw with me anymore. What you did the other time was dirty so don’t fuck with me anymore, that’s it, done, bye. Go to work. What does a fo change lower…? Not under a change a face..”, He told him very angry.

Seeing the impact that the topic had and the comments on the networks, Juan DiNatale He made his defense and explained the reason that led him to react that way.

“In the endless list of my failures, none as great as being in the mouth of this Nelson de la Rosa version of The Little Prince”the driver began with pure irony.

And he closed by justifying his actions: “I don’t think I’m more than anyone, nor less. I exercise my right to talk to whoever I want and to get upset if they provoke me.”

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Abrupt end to a cycle that premiered very recently on El Nueve: “Frustration and a lot of indignation”

Augustine Kampfer and Juan DiNatale They surprisingly announced their departure from the program The caste is in order in The ninea cycle that premiered on screen at the end of April of this year.

From their Instagram accounts, the hosts shared very harsh statements announcing that they will no longer be part of the cycle that runs on Saturday nights and that they do not know if the program will continue to air or not.

“I want to tell you that I am not going to continue in Caste is in order. Among those who invited me to the program, there were many situations that were totally incongruent with the initial proposal,” Indian Augustine Kampfer.

And he remarked: “I don’t know if the program will continue, at this point it seems unsustainable to me. I thank the working team for the effort and Channel 9, which is my home, for the trust. Juan Di Natale, you are a genius.”

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On the other hand, Juan DiNatale He was forceful in his defense through his Instagram stories: “With great sadness, frustration and a lot of indignation I will stop participating in Caste is in Order,” began.

“What was a serious and fun project at the same time for drivers, actors and crew, for others it was just an adventure that turned out to be my worst experience on TV in more than three decades of work”The driver continued harshly.

And he clarified: “Channel 9 had nothing to do with this: thank you for welcoming me again on your screen and thanks to all your staff for the support and enthusiasm of these (few) Saturdays.”

“It was a pleasure to share a desk with Agustina Kämpfer. And a thousand apologies to those who joined the program and accompanied it. We all deserved better luck”ended categorically Juan DiNatale.

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