Gege Neumann distanced himself from Nicole when talking about his sister and mother’s fights: “I am pro-dialogue”

Gege Neumann distanced himself from Nicole when talking about his sister and mother’s fights: “I am pro-dialogue”
Gege Neumann distanced himself from Nicole when talking about his sister and mother’s fights: “I am pro-dialogue”

Written in SHOWS he 6/12/2024 · 12:23 p.m.

The story of Nicole Neumann and his mother Claudia It is long and complex. Since her debut at age twelve, the model has had several public differences with her and, although they had good moments, lately they have had several fights.

Now, consulted about this family scandal, Gege Neumannthe younger sister of Nicole, couldn’t avoid the questions after meeting a notary Partners of the show (El Trece).

I don’t get involved, I always want there to be peace and the only thing that matters to me is that she is well, that my children are well and that my nieces are well. Therefore, love and peace always,” the model began.

Did you talk to your mom after everything happened on TV?“the journalist asked him.”Look, I’m honest with you, I can talk to you about those issues that are so personal, I can talk to you about my children, my husband… but such intimate issues I prefer not to expose.. They are things that happen, that one lives them and goes through them but I do not expose them. “I always love my family, no matter what happens,” he said. Gege.

Sharp, the notary noted: “At one point, the issue touched you too because your mother said they used her last name.“.”He said that part in the same way. It was a joke. It’s our mother’s last name, yes, and we also have our father’s last name. Everything is alright. I love my mother, I love my sister“, the model continued conciliatory.

Insisting, the journalist added: “Well, but when he told Nicole that she wasn’t grateful… that wasn’t a joke.“.”The issues that I have to talk about with my family, I talk about in private. I have nothing to say publicly, they will understand,” he said. Gege.

After this, the notary asked him if he had tried mediate between Claudia and her sister. “I am always pro dialogue“she assured.

Finally, the journalist told him: “You do talk to your mother then“.”Yes, I talk to her. TV has that, things are exposed a lot and, suddenly, there are quilombos that all families have but sometimes it comes out publicly to us.. And well, we have to put our minds to the bullets and move forward,” he concluded. Gege.

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