Ingrid Cruz revealed the time she hid infidelity from Fran García-Huidobro: “That’s what friends do…”

Ingrid Cruz revealed the time she hid infidelity from Fran García-Huidobro: “That’s what friends do…”
Ingrid Cruz revealed the time she hid infidelity from Fran García-Huidobro: “That’s what friends do…”

In the newly released podcast, the friends recalled an old anecdote that demonstrated the level of complicity that exists between the two. “At that time there was no internet,” Cruz explained.

On Tuesday, the podcast that brings together Ingrid Cruz and Francisca García-Huidobro, called “Say the Pink Truth”, premiered. In it, They revealed old anecdotes of their friendship and a particular episode that involves them.

“We are the type of friends who sacrifice themselves for each other, I have sacrificed myself for you, because That’s what friends do. When a friend tells you ‘I need you’, you put on war paint,” Ingrid began by recalling.

This gave way to conversation and made the “Iron Lady” explain the details of an old story between the two, about which she remembered that It happened during the opening of a discothequea time when the artist was single but not Fran.

“To my credit, I asked my partner if he wanted to go with me, and he said: ‘No, go alone with your friend Ingrid’”explained the TV host.

“We came out more elegant, ‘Mekano’ was an espadrille compared to how naked we were,” confessed García-Huidobro.

In view of the above, they were grateful for the non-existence of social networks at that time. “We must be thankful that as we are oldAt that time there was no internet, there were no photos. Imagine those records, holy cow.“said the actress with shame.

The escape of Francisca García-Huidobro

In the middle of the conversation, the former host of Primer Plano commented that after the event She left accompanied, but not precisely by who was her boyfriend at the time. “I left with another gallant,” he clarified.

While Cruz stayed at the disco dancing and then went home with his companion. However, The Fran She decided to go to a motel with the “heartthrob.” “Look at the ordinary”, her friend reproached her.

After her brief outing, Fran returned to her house where her boyfriend was sleeping in bed. who invented a story and hid his infidelity.

“Ingrid doesn’t leave anything standing, she messed with a gallant, left me in the disco and left. I stayed there, and this super gentleman guy came to drop me off at the house,” he told his partner. Nonetheless, The man was not satisfied and later “He goes and whores Ingrid”, he recalled.

After what happened, the former opinion specialist told her confidant what had happened: “Ingrid, I sold you hard.” However, the story did not end there, since on the same day “Sita Gretel” met the deceived young man.

““From there I meet the boyfriend, guy 12 of the day, he hugs me because he is very fond of me, and I am going to repeat verbatim what he told me: ‘you can’t be so stupid, You can’t leave your friends hanging, that’s not done.’ I there ‘yes, okay, sorry’. Because that’s what friends do, they sacrifice themselves,” concluded Ingrid Cruz.

Check out the podcast below:

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