Darthés’s reaction upon learning of the conviction for sexual abuse against Thelma Fardin

Darthés’s reaction upon learning of the conviction for sexual abuse against Thelma Fardin
Darthés’s reaction upon learning of the conviction for sexual abuse against Thelma Fardin


This Monday, at the press conference called after the ruling of the Brazilian Justice that convicted the actor Juan Darthés to six years in prison for aggravated sexual abuse against Thelma Fardin. The sentence responds to the complaint that the actress made in Nicaragua, in 2018, for an event that occurred there in 2009, during a theatrical tour of the strip. Ugly Duckling. At that time, Fardin was 16 years old, and Darthés, 45.

Once the ruling was known, Fardin, his team of lawyers and Amnesty International Argentina held a press conference to explain and analyze the scope of the court’s determination, but it remained to know what it had been. the reaction of the condemned man. This Wednesday, in Intruderstold how he received the news from Brazil, the country where he settled shortly after the complaint against him became public.

“This is a totally delicate issue and has to do with Darthés’ conviction. A few weeks ago we told how the actor lives in Brazil, how he is accompanied by his wife, María, and his children,” Guido Záffora introduced the song. And, without further ado, he indicated: “Now we are going to tell you how he reacted to this conviction. The truth is that It wasn’t easy at all. He feels deceived by his Brazilian lawyers”.

“He thought he was not going to be convicted, because What they told him was that everything was fine, that there had already been a favorable ruling in the first instance in December and that they were confident. In no way did they expect the judges to sentence him to six years in prison. The lawyers made a big deal out of him. speech to calm him down, because he was very nervous,” the journalist revealed.

And he pointed out: “The one who handles all the details of the lawyers is María del Carmen Leone, his wife. She is the one who talks to them. María is a lawyer and knew there was going to be an appeal, but she was surprised by the conviction. “They told them to stay calm and things didn’t happen the way he wanted.”

“People very close to Juan tell me that He was seized by a fit of crying, fury and anger. And the person who calmed him down and was with him was María, who told him that they were going to appeal the measure.. Obviously, the one who is restraining him at this moment is his lawyer in Argentina, Fernando Burlando, who also serves as his spokesperson in the country. The issue is that Burlando does not have much influence, beyond what he can contribute with his knowledge,” added the journalist.

“What they say on behalf of Darthés is that it is a very difficult fact to prove; That is why the sentence surprised them. They believe, and I clarify that it is not something that I think, that the evidence presented is not concrete,” he explained. At that time, the driver of the cycle, Florencia de la V, recalled that Fardin was subjected to nine tests, while the convicted man refused to testify.

“Anyway, Darthés’s entourage thinks that he is not going to go to jail. They are pending the new appeal instance and it is something that they are already studying with the lawyers. They believe that this is coming for a long time and that it does not end now or this year,” Záffora added.

Josefina Pouso, then, recalled: “The only thing he did in this case was to mock him and advise him to go to Brazil because extradition does not exist and because the percentage of convictions there is much lower than in Argentina. As a matter of convenience, she told him: ‘Friend, take the stick because there you will surely escape.’

“I want to thank all those people who dared to speak out, many years ago, after that press conference where I made my complaint. Thank you, because that enormous movement is what allowed us to be here today, despite all the obstacles that have been put in the wheel. Thank you to my team of lawyers, for trusting my word, for believing in me, for providing yourselves and your pockets with the tools to be able to litigate this case that has been so complex because, in addition, it required us to go to another country. Thanks to Amnesty International, because without that team we would not have been able to get here. Thank you to all my colleagues for continuing by my side during all these years,” Fardin began by saying at the press conference held this Monday, hours after the sentence against Darthés was announced.

Thelma Fardin, during the press conference she gave this MondayPilar Camacho – LA NACIÓN

“Even though my case got justice today, it is not the reality of most cases. That is why today, this sentence has to be a message of hope for all those people who are still suffering some type of abuse. It has to be a hope so that, even if they think it is very difficult, that the person they have to report is very powerful and has many tools, there is a possibility of reparation,” added the actress, visibly moved. “They told me to wait to see what Justice said, and finally Justice says that he is guilty. Finally, Justice listens to my word, and by believing me, it believes many others.”

“Thanks to the enormous women’s movement I was able to speak; that movement that today is being so reviled… Thanks to those enormous networks that were woven, I was able to break the silence, I was able to get out of the immense pain that the violence that I suffered had caused me, and that I was able to move forward, and that “I was able to build a life without that weight on me,” Fardin added before breaking down again. “You imagine that today, today you weigh much less. Today I feel that all the enormous effort was worth it. The efforts of many people who were by my side, who love me, and who went through very difficult times. The effort of those people was also worth it. Thanks to my friends, my loves, my family. Thank you for your support, because otherwise I would not have gotten here. And, unfortunately, it must be said that it is very difficult to get here, that is why I ask please that everyone who is close to someone suffering from a situation of violence support them, because without that support we cannot move forward.”

“I think about the people who, after my press conference, dared to call 144, flooding the phone lines with complaints and telling their stories. Complaints increased by 1,200 percent that night. Where are those people who are suffering violence going to call today, now that 144 is dismantled? So, the message continues to be that of collective unity, that we continue working together. Because, unfortunately, there will always be a search for us to go back. As Simone de Beauvoir said, a social crisis will be enough to put women’s rights, achievements and triumphs at stake. I think that, faced with this scenario, we have to continue weaving networks constantly, and that is why what we build in justice, but in the social fabric, is so important,” she concluded.


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