Walter Mercado’s horoscope for this Thursday, June 13

Walter Mercado’s horoscope for this Thursday, June 13
Walter Mercado’s horoscope for this Thursday, June 13


Although more than four years since the death of the famous astrologer Walter Mercadohis legacy lives on among his followers thanks to the dedication of his niece, Dannette Benet Mercado. In the column published in The New Herald this Thursday June 13, Shanti Ananda’s former collaborator presented the latest predictions for each sign of the zodiac.

Unexpected changes surround you, and some may take you by surprise. It is essential to maintain a flexible attitude to adapt to the new. Don’t fight the current; accept what comes and flow with it. Opportunities will arise, make the most of them for your benefit.

The foreign and the exotic capture your interest, which leads you to explore new horizons. Your talent will allow you to create something unique. Let your inspiration guide your actions and decisions.

The people around you want to please you, so enjoy this attention. Use this energy to create and carry out beneficial activities. Today is an excellent day to start healthy habits.

Trips, whether short or long, promise fun and new experiences. Be patient with those you love; some things will take time. Dedicate effort to your education and intellectual growth, as your efforts will be rewarded. Take advantage of this period to expand your knowledge.

Social life and work can exhaust you physically, so find time to relax. Find new friends and activities that keep you entertained. Balance your responsibilities with moments of rest.

Hidden talents emerge that you now use with confidence. It is an ideal time to recharge your physical and emotional energies. Neighbors and siblings offer you the support you need. Your personal and professional life benefit from a cycle of positive changes, so take advantage of it.

You receive support from important figures in your life, such as bosses and teachers. Your reputation plays a crucial role at this time. You will be more willing to share time with friends and neighbors. Love will be fun and less formal, but full of romance and passion.

Your partner’s words or actions can easily hurt you. If you have been sick, this is the beginning of your recovery. Maintain emotional balance to improve your general health and well-being.

Positive energy leads you to meet creative and spiritual people. Get involved in new projects and activities that spark your interest. It’s time to innovate and create in your life. Pay attention to your dreams, as they can offer you valuable revelations.

Consider preventative medicine, exercise, and mental relaxation. Meditation and laughter will be your best allies in this process. Don’t neglect your physical and mental well-being.

Capricorn horoscope

Take control of the situations that worry you today. Others must adapt to your decisions, but add patience and sweetness to your life. Don’t expect others to solve your problems, act. Only you can change what you dislike and move forward.

It’s time to resolve pending issues and reflect on your goals. Take a break from your schedule to organize your priorities. Family and home become important, and you will have to pay more attention to them. This time of reflection will help you define your path.


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