“I can do this job. “I know how to get things done”: Joe Biden said after the debate

“I can do this job. “I know how to get things done”: Joe Biden said after the debate
“I can do this job. “I know how to get things done”: Joe Biden said after the debate

US President Joe Biden speaks to the crowd during a campaign rally in North Carolina, United States.


“I can do this job,” Joe Biden said during a campaign rally after the debate against his opponent, Republican Donald Trump, which caused panic among Democrats.

“I don’t walk as easily as I used to, I don’t speak as fluently as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know what I know: I know how to tell the truth,” Biden said in North Carolina, in the eastern United States.

“I give you my word from Biden. “I wouldn’t run again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I can do this job, because, frankly, there is a lot at stake,” added the American president, who claims to have “the intention of winning” in this close state of the United States. southeast of the country.

“I know right from wrong. I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. I know, as millions of Americans know, that when you get knocked down, you get back up,” he added. He does not plan to withdraw his candidacy.

The Democrat received strong support from former President Barack Obama, who remains one of the most respected voices in the Democratic Party. “Bad debate nights happen,” he said.

Even Trump assured at a rally that he does not believe his rival will throw in the towel “because he is doing better in the polls than any of the Democrats they are talking about” to replace him.

Biden, 81, hesitated and left his sentences unfinished before millions of television viewers.

In Raleigh, unlike the day before, he was assisted by a teleprompter, a device that allows you to read a text without taking your eyes off the camera.

He repeated what he said in the debate, but this time with vigor, before a devoted audience that shouted “Four more years!” He praised his career and ideas in contrast to a Donald Trump who never stops lying, he said.

Donald Trump “is a crime wave all by himself,” he said of the first former US president to be convicted and prosecuted in multiple cases.


The American media maintain that the debate caused “panic” among Democrats, four months before the elections and approximately six weeks before the convention that should formally nominate a candidate.

After North Carolina, Joe Biden will travel to New York to attend a ceremony commemorating one of the first LGBT mobilizations in the United States, in June 1969, and a meeting with donors.

On Saturday he will raise funds in the elegant Hamptons tourist area, also an opportunity to take the pulse of his financial support, in an extremely expensive electoral race.

Vice President Kamala Harris herself acknowledged that Joe Biden had had a “slow” start, but considered that he had finished “strong” against an opponent who multiplied false or misleading claims.

The 59-year-old Democrat is campaigning in Nevada (west). Her name appears on the list of those who could replace Joe Biden if he retires before November, along with some prominent Democratic governors, such as Gavin Newsom, of California, or Gretchen Whitmer, of Michigan.

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