What’s next for the couple?

What’s next for the couple?
What’s next for the couple?

03:11 PM

Greeicy Rendón and Mike Bahía, one of the most beloved couples in the musical field in Colombia, surprised their followers by announcing a pause in their joint musical career. The news was suspected since their last concert in Peru weeks ago, where both artists shared emotional messages with their audience, but the artist herself Greeicy was in charge of confirming the rumors in the last few hours.

The information went viral on social networks through a video shared on the Radiomodafm TikTok account. In a video, Mike Bahía took the microphone to temporarily say goodbye to his fans, saying: “With this we say goodbye to singing for a while. I hope we sing together again in a few years. It’s reality, I believe that if they turn on a light, we will sing this chorus.” As he spoke, Greeicy looked at him with eyes full of emotion.

The couple, known both for their love relationship and for their musical talent, has been an example of complicity and love on a personal and professional level. Their relationship, which has developed over several years, was further cemented with the arrival of his son Kai, who has captured the attention of his followers on social networks.

In the announcement, Mike Bahía also expressed his desire to meet Greeicy on stage again in the future. “You don’t know it, but we are saying goodbye to the stage after some time together. But soon we will sing again, I promise you. I love you forever, princess. See you,” added the Colombian singer, generating a wave of reactions among those attending the show and on social networks.

Now, G.reeicy used her official Instagram account to refer to the topic for the first time and confirm this professional ‘break’.

Indeed, it is real, Mike and I separated from the stage, we have been singing together for many years. Our projects naturally took a very beautiful direction hand in hand and today we feel that each person’s path must be seen individually,” said the artist.

The singer and actress from Cali assured that this decision was not easy, but they see it as an opportunity to explore their individual facets as artists. “For people today they see us and imagine music always together and we really are two different projects. Greeicy is a different project from Mike Bahía, when we get together something very special happens. This farewell is making us nostalgic”, he mentioned in the video.

Greeicy also made it clear that they hope to meet again in the future in a renewed way. “We are not going to stop finding music for both of usand in a couple of years, the idea is that we get back together, meet everyone again, holding hands on stage,” he said, clarifying the temporary nature of this separation.

At the moment, it is unknown what the next steps will be in the individual trajectories of Greeicy and Mike, or if there will be new solo releases. However, Their followers are looking forward to seeing how their careers will evolve in this new stage.

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