“Hyaluronic acid is not reabsorbed, but remains encapsulated”: this is how aesthetic touch-ups affect your body

“Hyaluronic acid is not reabsorbed, but remains encapsulated”: this is how aesthetic touch-ups affect your body
“Hyaluronic acid is not reabsorbed, but remains encapsulated”: this is how aesthetic touch-ups affect your body

Bratz dolls (Lena Lir/Shutterstock)

“They told you that this would go away in six months. That she was reabsorbed. And it’s a lie. Your mouth will never be the same again.” On June 4, a new episode of Between the sky and the cloudsthe podcast that influencer Laura Escanes presents for the Podimo platform. These statements were made by the actress Jedet, and when she mentions that “that” you would leave “in six months” It refers to hyaluronic acid that both she and others celebrities of the Spanish panorama they injected on his face during the years 2012 and 2013, when it started to become fashionable.

They cheat on girls. And now you see a 16-year-old girl with the face of a forty-something“says the actress about the new generations, who increasingly go to clinics at an earlier age. Many things have changed in more than a decade. Among them, that the first cosmetic surgery touch-up now it occurs at 20 years, instead of at 35 as a decade ago, according to a report by the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine (SEME). Following Jedet’s statements, users on social networks have come out to comment on the actress’s opinions. “I haven’t pricked my lips in years and I have lips that…,” Escanes added to the words of his guest. The function of this acid is, precisely, to maintain or try to restore volume in areas that lose it or do not have it, such as the lips.

The experts consulted have explained to Infobae Spain that, although it is true that there is a part of that hyaluronic acid that is injected that If it is reabsorbed, there is a part that is not. But she does this after a year and a half, 18 months, and not six, as the actress who was told more than ten years ago in the clinics says. This is stated by Dr. Blanca Laso, a graduate in medicine and surgery, and specialized in aesthetic and maxillofacial units. “Before they told you that hyaluronic acid lasted six months and you had to be infiltrated to maintain it. The latest studies show that that is not like that. After ten years there is still hyaluronic acid”he explains in an informative video shared on TikTok.

Furthermore, it does not affect everyone in the same way. Adrián Herrero Becerra, biologist and cosmetics expert and dermopharmacy, explains Infobae Spain “That’s been a year and a half.”It will no longer be reabsorbed the hyaluronic acid that you have injected.” This fashion, which has increased especially after 2020 with the pandemic, has made people begin to not respect that period for reabsorption.

After confinement and the pandemic, “prices in the market dropped, a bit due to the competition of who was putting up the most and who was selling the most. So what was happening? that people started not to respect that period”says Herrero about those stipulated 18 months. “They don’t wait for the large percentage of hyaluronic acid to be absorbed. So there are always remains.” These remains are what, in many cases, they generate lumps, the so-called vacuoles. “If you put on lips, you don’t have to wear it again the next year. Wait at least two years and then decide if you want it,” explains Laso. The doctor adds that, if acid infiltrates annually, the most normal thing is that “the entire product migrates into a white line” around the lips.

(Illustrative Image Infobae)

This same thing ensures Natalia Jiménez, dermatologist at the Aesthetic and Therapeutic Dermatology Group (GEDER) from the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV). He says that there are people who perform these treatments “too frequently”, thinking that the hyaluronic acid “in theory, is reabsorbed after a year and a half”, and they inject themselves again “without really seeing if there is a need”. “If you have injected a lot, the rest will be greater,” she adds. And this is where the aesthetic footprint comes into play.

Dr. Jaime Tufet coined this expression in reference to the “prolonged and even permanent residue left by resorbable products injected to produce facial transformations.” This was commented on by the actress Poison (Atresplayer, 2020) on the Podimo podcast. “It generates water, you put acid in your mouth and it weighs you down.” and takes away your smile. If you puncture yourself too much you are left with what I have, which is the ‘pillow face‘, I am stuffed and I don’t gesture much, I have the same face whether I am angry or happy.”. The dermatologist assures that “a change will occur in the skin” when abuse treatments and the quantity.

One of the ways to avoid this, explains the specialist, lies in the professionals, who must assess the needs of the patients. Although science has currently shown that this is the estimated reabsorption time, there are people whose body It doesn’t dissolve it the same and it takes more or less time.. This is taken care of by the hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid in the body and is present in the body naturally, in the connective tissue of the skin, cartilage or tendons, for example. “It is possible that there are people who have one enzyme more active than another and that may explain why in some people the injected acid can last longer,” says Jiménez. For this reason, not everyone needs the same amount or with the same frequency.

Likewise, as Jedet’s statements went viral, experts and others influencers They also shared their opinion on hyaluronic acid. One of them was a video published on TikTok by Júlia Salander, a political scientist and feminist activist, which quickly spread to other social networks. “Hyaluronic acid is not reabsorbed”, it begins, and later includes a video of an MRI of a woman who “for years”, as Salander assures, has been injecting hyaluronic acid into different points of her face. “What we see in green is the acid that has been encapsulated, generating chronic inflammation and deforming the face“, says.

The original video is an MRI shared by Argentine doctor Andrés Ferchi, specialized in plastic and aesthetic surgery, on May 16 on his Instagram account. In the text where he shares the video, the doctor explains that it is a patient with “chronic use” of fillers. “These images show that the substance is not reabsorbed, as the laboratories say, but rather it is accumulated in the form of vacuoles and they persist, causing chronic inflammation, fluid retention and, as a consequence, facial deformation”, explains the doctor about the patient’s case.

However, both Jiménez and Herrero believe that this They are isolated cases. “Is related to high volume and very repeated injections. That is not usual in a clinic with good advice,” says the dermatologist. In the same way, you should not be alarmist either, but make sure you go to good clinics and professionals and make responsible use of the number and volume of punctures, especially to avoid suffering anatomical changes, something that can occur. But they call for tranquility. “It is important to know that today it is the most compatible, safest filling material,” they agree.

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