Just like Dad: this is how Tamara, Gustavo Garzón’s daughter, is today, who already made him a grandfather

Gustavo Garzon He has a long career in the media as an actor, both in television, film and theater. He acted in various successful novels, films and plays. Although he has been in the world of showbiz for decades, little is known about the artist’s personal and intimate level.

Gustavo Garzón is the father of five children and has a granddaughter.

Gustavo Garzon He was married to the renowned actress Alicia Zanka, with whom he became father for the first time to twins Juan and Mariano. Tamara Garzón was also born as a result of this relationship. Later, he partnered with Ruth Alfie and welcomed her fourth child Joaquín. Two years ago, Fiorella Shayla, his last heir, was born. Of the members of the actor’s family, his oldest daughter is perhaps the best known, since although she maintains a low profile, she appeared on television several times and gave interviews.

Tamara with her mother Alicia Zanka.
Gustavo with his three oldest children, years ago.
Alicia Zanka with her three heirs when they were little.
Tamara and her twin brothers.

The successor of Gustavo Garzon She has been in a relationship for five years with the actor and director Gustavo Pardi and recently became a mother for the first time to Miranda. On a professional level, The artist’s daughter is also dedicated to acting like her parents and hosts shows dedicated especially to children with Down syndrome. She began to venture into this area with small animations full of dances, songs and choreography, but they later became a boom.: “From my brothers I know what they like. With my students we have a mutual connection. I don’t feel sorry, I love them. I have a good time with them and they with me. There is something magical that happens,” she said in an interview she gave to Teleshow.

Father and daughter are usually shown together.
Miranda is the darling of the family.
Slimy Grandpa: Gustavo and Miranda.

Tamara created the program “Todo Joya” to further encourage this type of activity and intends to bring it to television at some point: “All disability cycles are professionals talking about disabilities and how to integrate them. My proposal is a program made by them and not to talk about them. It would be giving TV something it doesn’t have. It would help stop feeling sorry and show how much we have evolved as a society. They are always thought of from the side of difficulty and not from what they can do. Why do we have to sit through what doesn’t come out? “If they are slow, let them be,” said the daughter of Waiter.

Tamara founded a school that, in her words, seeks to combine art with disability.
Gustavo and Alicia’s daughter has art in her blood.
On her social networks, the artist usually posts content related to her work, her family and other activities.

Tamara Garzón talked about her parents’ legacy

Before becoming a mother for the first time, Tamara Garzón was interviewed by La Nación, where she talked about everything: how her desire to be a mother arose, the relationship she had with her mother Alicia Zanka, who died many years ago, and her bond with her father Gustavo Garzon. The entertainer remembered her mother and expressed: “Mom was the anti-mother, she only had children at 40 and she did it because Dad insisted. Even so, she always conveyed to me that, although she loved her profession, her motherhood was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to her. I am very similar to her. Like mom, I am very passionate, very forward-thinking, I am a fan of doing, of work. “I’m not still for a minute, I’m always doing things.”

Gustavo and his daughter are very close and friends.

Likewise, the actress remarked: “My parents always transmitted to me the passion they felt for their work. The time they shared with me and my brothers was genuine. There is something about that that interests me a lot and it has to do with the time one shares with one’s children.” Regarding the actor, she said: “He says no, but we are very symbiotic, he lives five blocks away and we talk every day. He is one of my best advisors. In fact, his opinions were key in many of the decisions I made in my life.”

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