Emilia Drago: motherhood, the age difference with Diego Lombardi and her triumphant return with ‘Pituca sin Lucas’

Emilia Drago: motherhood, the age difference with Diego Lombardi and her triumphant return with ‘Pituca sin Lucas’
Emilia Drago: motherhood, the age difference with Diego Lombardi and her triumphant return with ‘Pituca sin Lucas’

Emilia Drago celebrates 20 years of career and highlights her role in ‘Pituca Sin Lucas’. | Composition/Infobae

Emilia Drago, one of the most beloved and recognized actresses on the Peruvian artistic scene, celebrates this year two decades of a successful career. Since her beginnings at the age of 15 in the soap opera ‘Besos Robados’, the performer has conquered both the small screen, being a model for ‘Habacilar’, and the big screen, with her role in ‘Asu Mare’.

In interview with Infobae Peru, The mother of two little girls reflected on her career, the milestones that marked a before and after in her professional life, and the challenges she has faced, especially in her current role in ‘Pituca sin Lucas’.

The artist highlighted two crucial moments in her journey: her participation in the Raúl Romero’s program, which gave him great exposure; and her role as “Cachín”’s girlfriend in the successful ‘Asu Mare’ films.

Emilia Drago and the cast of ‘Habacilar’. Diffusion

She recalled how motherhood and the coronavirus pandemic impacted her work, forcing her to take a break. However, she has returned with strength and dedication in 2024, bringing to the screen characters with whom she deeply identifies.

With new projects on the horizon, Emilia Drago continues to demonstrate his versatility and passion for acting.

Many remember her for her role in ‘Asu Mare’, one of the highest-grossing films in the history of Peruvian cinema. She emphasized that she has not tried to separate herself from that character, since she values ​​all the experiences that have shaped her professionally.

“I am of the idea that a person can never separate things. I am happy to have been the actress in that production, the highest-grossing Peruvian film in history. I can do commercial roles or not, also plays, and other things related to art,” she expressed.

The actress recalled how being part of the cast of ‘Habacilar’ changed her life, which opened doors for her in the media.

Conversing with Emilia Drago, the actress delves into the aspects that connect and differentiate her from her character Techi, a struggling mother in the novel who faces adversity after losing all her money. She mentioned feeling very identified with her from her motherhood side, understanding her efforts to raise her children and her home.

Although the Peruvian actress has not gone through such a drastic financial loss, she believes that the essence of this fictional personality resonates with her due to the difficulties that anyone can face.

“She is a very human character, I understand her. The novel is well written and I love it. These are things that can happen to anyone. We are talking about a mother with whom I identify very much, from the motherhood side, of everything she does to raise her children and home. She had a lot of money and loses it all. I have never gone through a situation like this, but I can identify with something in my life that I have suddenly lost overnight,” she said.

Emilia Drago, Peruvian actress with 20 years of experience. | instagram

According to Emilia, Techi’s story conveys important messages such as love, unity and empathy, especially from the perspective of adapting to a new socioeconomic reality. She stressed that the characters in the novel, although stereotyped, reflect realities of our society, such as the classism represented by the protagonist’s mother.

“There are many messages, that of love, union, empathy with what is happening around you, living in this bubble… the upper class peoplethe one who has a lot of money,” he added.

Emilia Drago and Jorge Aravena star in ‘Pituca Sin Lucas’. | instagram

At another point in the conversation, he reflected on the work difficulties mentioned by his colleague Jorge Aravena, who had revealed that he could not find work in the world of television fiction.

Although their experiences are not identical, Emilia Drago She said she identified with the feeling of being left behind, especially when she became a mother and in other situations such as pandemic. She commented that being a mother sometimes places her in a secondary position in her career, feeling the same frustration as other actors when not being able to continue with their projects as they would like.

“I know that he talks about that topic, although I don’t know if they are similar cases. They are different. In my case, it was motherhood and the pandemic. (Motherhood) was a stage where you are isolated or placed in a ‘substitute’ position. When they see that you are a mother, they put you in a substitute position. I understand that feeling, like that of Jorge and another actor, that we go through stages in which things do not go as we would like,” he recalled.

The actress shared her professional connection with Jorge Aravena and revealed how motherhood and the pandemic affected her career.

Emilia Drago shared what it has been like to work alongside Jorge Aravena in the soap opera, in which both live a love story. The actress highlights the good chemistry between them from the beginning and the mutual adaptation that has allowed their professional relationship to be genuinely reflected on the screen.

Regarding the reaction of her partner, Diego Lombardi, towards the so-called ‘shipeos’ on social networks, the interpreter pointed out that her relationship with the actor and producer has been fundamental for her professional development. Since they have been together, almost 12 years ago, he has been a constant support for her, pushing her to improve and follow her dreams without feeling any limitations due to her relationship.

“Since we have been together, almost 12 years ago, he has always been a great companion. He has pushed me to be better and fulfill my dreams. He is a person who has always let me be, I have never felt any limitations from having a partner. For example, they tell me ‘you can’t do that,’” he said.

The actress highlighted how her partner has motivated her to fulfill her dreams and overcome obstacles in her career, without feeling limitations due to their relationship.

In spite of the age difference, 13 years Between them, he recognizes that, like any couple, they have faced their own challenges in terms of tastes and family acceptance.

“I think that, like any couple, they always have their issues, their issues, their conflicts. There are always little details, of course, and things that he has already experienced. He is much bigger than me and out there I’m just starting to see things that he already knows”he added.

Emilia Drago and Diego Lombardi share a relationship of more than 10 years. | instagram

Regarding his future projects, he enthusiastically shared his new cultural program related to Peruvian folklore, a passion that was born after his visit to the Candelaria festival.

Although his commitments with the soap opera have not allowed him to attend more festivities in the country, he was able to prepare a dance show that will be presented next July 21. Without leaving aside art, a play in which she acts, directed by her partner, will premiere in September.

Emilia Drago with her husband and children, enjoying a day with her family. | instagram

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