Chinese Horoscope: predictions for TODAY June 20, according to eastern astrology

He Chinese horoscope It is a type of astrology that is based on 12-year cycles, each represented with an animal that directly influences the personality of individuals taking the year of their birth as a reference. Next, the predictions for this Thursday, June 20 for each of the signs.

Rat (1936 – 1948 – 1960 – 1972 – 1984 – 1996 – 2008 – 2020)

This day is ideal to reflect on your long-term goals and make sure you are moving at an appropriate pace to prevent potential delays.

Ox (1937 – 1949 – 1961 – 1973 – 1985 – 1997 – 2009 – 2021)

Take advantage of the energy that the stars give you to propel you towards the path you want in your future. Consider that not every day you can enjoy this astral goodness.

Tiger (1938 – 1950 – 1962 – 1974 – 1986 – 1998 – 2010 – 2022)

Thanks to the period of peace and tranquility that you are going through, you will be able to make better decisions that will benefit you in all areas of your life.

Rabbit (1939 – 1951 – 1963 – 1975 – 1987 – 1999 – 2011)

Take some time to spend with your loved ones and resolve conflicts that have affected your relationships recently. If you do, a new stage is about to begin.

Lanterns to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Image: iStock

Dragon (1940 – 1952 – 1964 – 1976 – 1988 – 2000 – 2012)

Check your agenda and choose to resume stalled projects. You will see that it will be easier for you to advance than when you took them for the first time.

Snake (1941 – 1953 – 1965 – 1977 – 1989 – 2001 – 2013)

You do not want to hear unnecessary words from your superiors; on the contrary, you will seek to resolve the details or errors made on your own.

Horse (1942 – 1954 – 1966 – 1978 – 1990 – 2002 – 2014)

Allow your mind to open to positive changes and adjust your attitude so that you can receive favorable surprises that begin to cover your days.

Goat (1943 – 1955 – 1967 – 1979 – 1991 – 2003 – 2015)

You are about to receive recognition in your work after a gray period. This new era of prosperity could awaken certain negative feelings in some colleagues.

Illustrative image: iStock

Monkey (1944 – 1956 – 1968 – 1980 – 1992 – 2004 – 2016)

Your workday will be marked by calm, however, this does not mean that you should completely neglect your activities, but what is certain is that you will be able to get rid of everyday stress a little.

Rooster (1945 – 1957 – 1969 – 1981 – 1993 – 2005 – 2017)

Your attitude inspires confidence in others, this will make you see yourself surrounded by people who, upon seeing your attitude, will feel comfortable and open up to you.

Dog (1946 – 1958 – 1970 – 1982 – 1994 – 2006 – 2018)

Even though it’s the middle of the week, your mind is already on the next few days of rest, so no one will judge you if you start planning so that everything goes perfectly.

Pig (1947 – 1959 – 1971 – 1983 – 1995 – 2007 – 2019)

You are within your rights to break at least one small rule and eat whatever you want now that you have seen the results of a rigorous diet. Just remember to maintain moderation at all times.


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