From the push that ended his marriage and his fury with LAM to tears of emotion

From the push that ended his marriage and his fury with LAM to tears of emotion
From the push that ended his marriage and his fury with LAM to tears of emotion


For some time now, the figure of María Fernanda Callejón has become recurring in entertainment programs. First was her surprise separation from Ricky Diotto, a breakup tainted by scandal. Then there was her relationship with Fernando Gamboa, An old love. Last week, the name of the ex-vedette made headlines after having rejected an invitation to LAM and having aired – with strong criticism – the cachet proposed by the cycle of Angel de Brito. Saturday night, sitting at the table Mirtha LegrandNot only did he not avoid any topic, but he also celebrated his birthday and cried with emotion,

Tell me, with your things, are you calmer?”, Legrand asked Callejón at the outset in reference to his separation from Diotto. “SYo. You saw that time accommodates everything. I am very calm, healing and very happy and accompanied“Called Callejón, and mentioned his daughter Giovanna, who is eight years old today. A while later, Chiqui got fully into the topic.

“How are you doing now? “Okay?” she inquired. “You went through very hard, tremendous moments. I am referring to your separation,” she clarified immediately. “Yeah. It was an unexpected moment,” Callejón confided. “When you fall in love and get married, you are married for life. At that moment we were very well and in love. “He was a great companion,” the ex-vedette continued the story. “And what happened? How does a marriage suddenly dissolve like that? Adultery?”, the driver asked without hesitation. “I wouldn’t know how to explain it to you because it was a series of things.. I also believe that sometimes women naturalize things that happen in our family for reasons of interests that have to do purely and exclusively with the family project,” Callejón tried to explain without many definitions, although later she was more explicit.

Noelia Marzol, Alfredo Leuco, María Fernanda Callejón and Chino Leunis were the guests of the nightStoryLab

After explaining that when her daughter was born, a highly sought-after baby, she put her focus on parenting and motherhood and that Diotto always accompanied her throughout the process, Mirtha insisted on the question. “But how can a person love you, love you, and suddenly the love ends and aggression begins? Because the topic was quite aggressive I think, right?“, Shooting. “Yes, because sometimes violence is framed in a word that we are now delving into. Before it was the blow, and sometimes in psychological violence the blows are not seen. Or economic violence. Things that one naturalizes because there is still much to know and see”.

But he physically attacked you?“Legrand insisted.” “Well, that’s the point. “I’m not going to give details,” Callejón reacted. “Yes, I read it. She pushed you against a wall”, Chiqui reviewed. “Yes,” Callejón confirmed, “I’m not going to give details. I think that was my warning. I said this far because my daughter was there. Anyway, we were in crisis and there was a chat that was leaked, that he was writing to another woman,” she recalled. “I was publicly cuckolded, so to speak. Because nobody dies too long. But that didn’t impact me. I was shocked by what the chat said about my house, which is not my house but our daughter’s house. That’s where it all started. And we are still conflicted about it. But I am not going to give more details,” she confessed,

Why did you get so dramatic the other day on a show?”, Legrand asked without a filter and prepared to listen to the answer carefully. The diva was referring to the uncomfortable live moment that Callejón starred in during a LAM mobile last week when they asked him about his refusal to be part of the television series. The ex-vedette did not hesitate to target the production because of the low pay they pay, but she also shot at Marixa Balli over an old dispute and then abandoned communication.

Did you see that the headlines are ‘María Fernanda Callejón’s day of fury’?”, reviewed the former vedette. “You don’t know me angry yet, Mirtha,” he doubled down. “Imagine that I am Tana and Andalusian,” she continued, and she confessed that she looks for the places where she likes and chooses to be, like Mirtha’s table or Fernando Dente’s program. “Because always with the theme of ‘it’s the game to play’… I don’t play that game anymore. I want to say it publicly. Because life is not a game, and the things that happen to me are life itself and I do believe in privacy”he explained.

At the end of the delivery, they brought Callejón a small cake with a candle for her 58th birthday and the actress was moved to tears when everyone at the table and in the studio sang happy birthday to her. After making her three wishes, she blew out the candles and thanked Mirtha for the gesture with a broken voice. “Thank you because you were always very loving with all of us and with me. I really love you very much, my daughter loves you, my mother loved you and I want to thank you enormously for the respect you always have for me and my family. The best gift, truly,” she closed her.


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