Don Jediondo burst into tears when talking about his father: he never recognized him

Pedro Antonio González, known for his iconic character Don Jediondo, has shown that he moved his fans during an interview in the Caracol Television program Los Informantes. The comedian revealed intimate aspects of his childhood that surprised and moved his followers.

Don Jediondo He was vulnerable when remembering the lack of recognition from his father, whose absence left a significant mark on his life, so when talking about him he burst into tears. Additionally, she also talked about the important role his mother played in her life.

“My last name should be Villamil because my father’s last name was Villamil. My mother fortunately gave me the last name González and with that I had and with that I have more than enough,” said the comedian.

The comedian was raised by a single mother who raised seven children with enormous sacrifice, so he acquired a strong sense of responsibility and hard work from a very young age. “She alone raised seven children, at the tip of a fence,” he said. At the age of seven, he was already helping his mother by selling masato and empanadas, demonstrating his resilient and hard-working character.

The takeoff of his career occurred when he participated in Sábados Felices, still without having created Don Jediondo. It was all thanks to a friend who lent him a ruana, hat and backpack for his presentation, where he won a toaster and an oven, awards that in his characteristic style he mentioned he was selling. His talent was quickly recognized, and thus Don Jediondo was born, the character that has generated laughter throughout several generations in Colombia.

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