Sean Penn’s new life: happy with being single, fed up with filming

Sean Penn’s new life: happy with being single, fed up with filming
Sean Penn’s new life: happy with being single, fed up with filming


Sean Penn (California, 63 years old) is delighted to be single. The protagonist of films like Mystical river, Milk either 21 grams, who has been married three times, acknowledged in an interview with The New York Times that his perspective on romance has changed. “I am simply free. If I’m going to be in a relationship, I’m going to remain free, or I’m not going to be in it, and I’m not going to suffer,” explains the actor. “I don’t feel like romance is going to break my heart again,” he admits.

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn, a glamorous couple on the red carpetArchive

His love history is well known. He was married to Madonna between 1985 and 1989. In 1996, he married Robin Wright (actress of House of Cards, Forrest Gump, The engaged princess), with whom he shares his daughter Dylan Frances Penn, 33, and his son Hopper Jack Penn, 30. But this marriage also came to an end and after his divorce, in 2010, he relapsed with the Australian actress Leila George (33 years old), in 2020. In October 2021, however, George filed for divorce and the process was finalized in April 2022. He has also been romantically linked to Charlize Theron, Scarlett Johansson and Olga Korotyayeva. “In one of my marriages, the background noise of life was like The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills [un programa de telerrealidad que documenta la vida personal y profesional de varias amas de casa de clase alta] or something else called Love Island [un concurso en el que un grupo de solteros y solteras desconocidos entre sí conviven juntos durante 24 horas en una villa de ensueño]. Even being in the room, and I’m not saying this to sound cute, I was dying. I felt my heart and brain shrink. “It was an attack,” she describes without specifying which of the marriages she is referring to.

Regarding the rumors that have been circulating for decades and that accuse him of having hit Madonna with a baseball bat during their marriage, the performer continues trying to clear his name and categorically denies them in the interview. During the conversation, however, he does refer to a particular incident that attracted media and police attention. According to her story, a SWAT team broke into her home after Madonna called the police concerned about the presence of weapons in the house. “A fucking SWAT team came into my house. I said, ‘I’m not going out. I’m going to finish breakfast.’ The next thing that happened was they started breaking windows and handcuffed me,” Penn shares. The interpreter also remembers the moment in which he found out, thanks to a later girlfriend, of the accusations of having tied up and beaten the singer. “I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about. If she hit Mike Tyson in the head with a baseball bat, she would go to the hospital. Madonna is someone I love,” he confesses. Now, he says, Madonna and he get along well and are friends, something that the actor especially values: “It turns out that it is much quicker to repair a friendship after divorce if there are no children involved. It took Robin Wright and me a long time. “There was a lot of drama about having children.”

Sean Penn managed to rebuild his bond with Madonna quickly, he explains, because the marriage did not have childrenThe Grosby Group

As he reflects on his love life, the two-time Oscar winner recalls times when “the first thing I saw in the morning were eyes wondering what I was going to do to make them happy that day.” And he admits that feeling was rarely reciprocated. He also tells the American media that his current friends, who are “beautiful and wonderful people, wonderful with their partners or wonderful on their own,” have shown him that “relationships don’t have to be dramatic or exhausting.” So the interpreter guarantees that he no longer wants “drama in romance” and avoids “unnecessary drama and visits from the gods of trauma.”

Beyond his new perspective on love, Penn also explains that the filming of Milk, in 2008, was the last time he had a good time on a recording set. “I spent 15 miserable years on sets,” he confirms. While the actor earned critical acclaim and his second Best Actor Oscar for his portrayal of openly gay politician Harvey Milk, he tells The New York Times who couldn’t star in the movie today, since the heterosexual actors who play characters queer They have become too controversial in Hollywood. “No, it couldn’t happen at a time like this. It is a moment of tremendous overreach. “It is a timid and simple policy towards the human imagination,” he believes.

Dakota Johnson and Sean Penn at the premiere of their film Daddio at the Toronto festival last September; Penn says that filming this, his last film, was the most enjoyable of the last 15 yearsJoel C Ryan – Invision

He attributes his boredom on filming in recent years to feeling like “an actor who is playing a leading role and is a well-known actor and is paid well and has a leadership position in a film and has to appear with energy and be a bodyguard of the director in some way.” “He was faking it and that was exhausting,” he recalls. “I knew I was fed up, but I didn’t know how I was going to keep my house or travel freely or things like that if I stopped,” he explains.

In Cannes in 2016, with his children Hopper and Dylan, the product of his marriage to Robin WrightGrosby Group

Therefore, Penn continued acting without much enthusiasm, until his friend and fellow actress Dakota Johnson sent him the script for their new film together, Daddio, which opens in US theaters on June 28. They are the sole protagonists of a plot that centers on a young woman (Dakota) who gets into a taxi to the airport and has a life-changing argument with the driver (Sean), a street philosopher from Hell’s Kitchen. “I felt like this could be an enjoyable experience and that matters to me now more than it did in the past,” Penn believes of the film, a prediction he says turned out to be true.


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