Tori Spelling reviewed the fate of the placentas from her five pregnancies: “Some were lost”

Tori Spelling reviewed the fate of the placentas from her five pregnancies: “Some were lost”
Tori Spelling reviewed the fate of the placentas from her five pregnancies: “Some were lost”


Tori Spelling has made it clear for decades that he has no intention of pretending his life is perfect. This year, since he started his podcast MySpelling, went one step further and, without intermediaries, began to reveal anecdotes and situations from his daily life. In the last episode, She referred to the fate of the placenta after her births and, once again, gave people something to talk about.

The actress of Beverly Hills 90210 She said that she still has two placentas in the freezer at home, but acknowledged that she does not have the slightest idea which of her births they came from. Spelling, who shares his children Liam, Hattie, Stella, Finn and Beau with his ex-husband Dean McDermott, also revealed that he has another placenta stored at a friend’s house.

In the midst of a casual conversation, Spelling said, “I’m going to tell you that I have something in my freezer that no one would imagine: my placenta.” She added: “I’m not sure which of my children it came from, but unless I have the largest placenta in the world, it’s two”.

Tori with her five children and her ex-husband, Dean McDermottInstagram

“It is normal to have them in the freezer. I know there are other dressier options that are trendy or what you’re supposed to do with them. They say it brings good luck to eat them or bury them. Or send them to these places where they turn them into powder and then into pills so you can consume them. But, honestly, I’m too lazy to do that.“, he acknowledged.

She then apologized to her best friend Jessica for having forced her to keep her youngest son’s placenta in her freezer. “She’s had it there for seven years. Talk about good friends? She really is. She came to see me at the hospital after the birth, but since the birth was by C-section and Beau had some complications, we had to stay at the clinic for a while. So, I said, ‘Jess, can you take the placenta home? They gave it to me, but I don’t know what to do with it while I’m here. ’ So, like a true best friend, she took it.”

Time passed and Jessica asked him “several times over the last 7 years” to please take it, because she didn’t want to keep it in her freezer anymore.I always tell her that next time I go to her house, I’ll take her, but I don’t. I promise I will. Someday I will.”Said Spelling.

Regarding the two that he keeps in his own refrigerator, he indicated: “I don’t know which ones I have in the freezer. “We moved a lot, so unfortunately a couple were lost.” And he joked: “Actually, I don’t know if they got lost or if we left them in one of the houses we rented.. Imagine someone opens a freezer and… It would be interesting to see them for sale on eBay.”

Tori Spelling’s podcast, a space for the actress to make revelations of all kindsPhoto Instagram @torispelling

Going even further into the subject, the actress also revealed that at one point she and McDermott ate one of the placentas together. “Dean is an incredible chef. What I mean is he put a little bit of truffle oil on it, a little bit of salt and pepper. “She cooked it and seasoned it and it was really good,” she said. She added: “It is something that is good for the body and you get it out of the body and it is good to put it back in the body.”.

Spelling launched his podcast in April and has been sharing secrets with his listeners week after week since then. In May, he confessed to having his genitals pierced and also buying McDermott a “brass cock ring” as an anniversary gift.

Spelling even called her children’s father on the show’s first episode to inform him live that she had finally filed for divorce, a move McDermott’s ex-wife Mary Jo Eustace called “desperate.” He also shared a sincere and revealing talk with Shannen Doherty, in which they exposed their conflictive coexistence while sharing a cast in Beverly Hills 90210.


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