Pedro Engel remembered the deaths of his brother and his wife

Pedro Engel remembered the deaths of his brother and his wife
Pedro Engel remembered the deaths of his brother and his wife

Pedro Engel se sinceró respecto a la muerte. Recordemos que el tarotista, cuando tenía 15 años, tuvo que enfrentar la muerte de su hermano David y más tarde, con el suicidio de su esposa Ali.

“Cuando tenía quince años, mi hermano del medio, David, sufrió un accidente automovilístico: fue la primera vez que vi morir a alguien“, contó el astrólogo en conversación con el diario La Cuarta.

“Tuvo un accidente fatal la noche de su despedida de soltero, ni siquiera estaba andando en el auto; estaba estacionado y, al frente, a un chico se le fue en collera el auto y se encapotó en el de mi hermano“, detalló.

El conductor de Pedro y Pancha sostuvo que su hermano “murió en mis brazos, en el Hospital del Salvador, y vi, por primera vez, cómo el alma salía del cuerpo, que quedaba como una especie de vestido, de traje. El alma incluso era como de un color azul, que salía por su boca y su nariz”.

Quedé muy impresionado, porque me di cuenta de que algo de él seguía vivo en otro espacio. Y por muchos días tuve visiones de dónde estaba, y cómo era el cruce hacia el otro lado (no terrenal). Me conecté con él”, admitió Engel.

Tras este fatídico hecho, el también escritor contó que “mis papás, Benjamín Engel y Trudy Bratter, se sumieron en un .duelo, y me quedé solo con ellos, que estaban muertos en vida“.

Pedro Engel reflexionó sobre el suicidio tras muerte de su esposa Ali

But his brother’s death was the only one that Pedro Engel faced, since when he was 29 years old, he suffered the death of his wife Ali.

“I take the drama out of suicide, even though I lived through hell. I have connected with the souls of many suicides, and it is a cultural thing,” he said.

He even reflected on this topic: “In Japan you put on your CV that your relative committed suicide, because it is like an experience of honour. Here for a long time you were not buried anywhere in the cemetery, but there was a courtyard for suicides, and there was a lot of stigmatisation for people who commit suicide,” he told the aforementioned media.

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“A suicide is a death; like if you die of cancer or you were hit by a car, you commit suicide… death. There is no need to put so much stigma on it. Because people always look for someone to blame, they are angry with the suicide and they always think that they committed suicide for someone or something… I don’t see it that way. I don’t look for explanations. Death is one,” he said.

It should be noted that Pedro Engel also experienced the ravages of the Dictatorship, where “I had a pretty bad time, I lost my family.”

Pedro Engel reflexionó sobre la muerte

How did you manage to heal from those wounds?To go through the pain with concho and cappella “I was lucky to have good teachers. When I was very young I met Tólita Albert and I also met Lola Hoffmann (psychiatrist),” she explained.

“When Lola took me, I was in a deep depression and she told me: ‘Look, I’m going to accompany you during your depression, and we don’t know where we’re going to end up, but I don’t want you to go back to being the same as before, because depression comes to transform you.“That’s how I spent my time,” he revealed.

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Finally, he shared another reflection on death: “When someone is dying, no one talks to them about deatheveryone tries to tell a joke, to talk about anything, except death, they don’t let you talk about what you want to talk about, which is about your grief, pain and death.

“In Buenos Aires we have the cemetery (Recoleta) next to the ice cream parlors. A child has an ice cream and goes to see the dead. Here you die and everything is very fast, done, and they say goodbye to you. I think we have a culture that has to be reconciled with death“, hill.

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