Miguel Romano’s pain over the death of his wife after battling a serious illness – Paparazzi Magazine

Miguel Romano’s pain over the death of his wife after battling a serious illness – Paparazzi Magazine
Miguel Romano’s pain over the death of his wife after battling a serious illness – Paparazzi Magazine

Miguel Romano is going through a painful moment. During the last hours it was learned that Mercedes López, the famous man’s wife, died. It was a friend of the woman who broke the news by sharing a post on her social networks where she told what happened.

Long time, Michael Romano He spoke to La Nación about his wife’s health: “We have been together all our lives, more than 60 years. My wife’s illness has me in a bad way. Thank God I have a wonderful daughter who takes care of her mother, takes her to all the doctors, she is very good. The only thing I ask of God is that my wife is there.”

Hours ago when the sad news broke, Michael Romano He confirmed the death of his wife in an interview with La Nación and although he seemed distressed, they assured that he was calm when talking about the subject: “My wife just died.”

It was at LAM where Angel de Brito He touched on the topic and sent a kiss to the entire famous person’s family for the loss they suffered. It was then that the driver revealed that the news was known by a friend of the woman who told it on social networks.


“You I want to send a big kiss to the entire Romano family who are going through a difficult time like all families.“, He launched Angel de Brito about the very difficult moment that Susana Giménez’s well-known close friend is going through.

In the last few hours, Meme’s family and friends came to the funeral home to say goodbye to her remains. It is worth remembering that the woman had been fighting for her life for a long time and the famous man spoke about the subject on more than one occasion.

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