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Treatment with Nab-Paclitaxel and PIPAC demonstrates promising anticancer activity in peritoneal carcinomatosis

The Viamed Institute of Advanced Surgical Oncology (IVOQA) has been a pioneer in carrying out treatment with nanoparticles of Nab-Paclitaxel and PIPAC (pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy) for patients with Unresectable peritoneal carcinomatosis with tumors of various origins.

PIPAC is a minimally invasive treatment in which chemotherapy is administered laparoscopically in aerosol form for patients with peritoneal carcinomatosis or metastases originating from different tumors such as colon, appendix, intestine, stomach, esophagus, bile ducts, pancreas, ovary, peritoneal primary either mesothelioma or pseudomyxoma.

This therapy combined with nanoparticles (Nab-paclitaxel) achieves better solubility of Paclitaxel chemotherapy and less toxicity. In this way, doses of higher concentrations can be administered and efficacy improved.

According to the results, the drug, has a promising anticancer response, a very high safety profile and is very well tolerated by patients. This was described in a work published in the scientific journal The Lancet where it was stated that PIPAC with NAB-Paclitaxel It was well tolerated, defining the appropriate treatment doses according to the patient’s conditions. The pharmacokinetic analysis demonstrated a slow elimination of the drug from the peritoneal cavity and how the amount of Nab-Paclitaxel accumulated in the tumor tissue after repeated treatments with PIPAC.

Complete pathological response

Specifically, the first patient treated was a man with peritoneal carcinomatosis caused by appendix cancer. As he explained Delia Cortés Guiral, director of IVOQA, his evolution has been “excellent”. After three cycles of PIPAC, many of the implants have had a complete pathological response and others have decreased in size.

Furthermore, this patient was only receiving intraperitoneal treatment in the first three cycles of ePIPAC (pressurized intraperitoneal aerosol chemotherapy with electrostatic precipitation) so the entire effect is attributable to the treatment of nanoparticles with ePIPAC.

“Given the significant chemosensitivity that has been demonstrated, medical oncologists have decided to even begin intravenous therapy with the same treatment that we have used at the intraperitoneal level“, stressed the specialist

For its part, “the use of nanoparticles in cancer is something that has been proposed for a long time and specifically with paclitaxel it is beneficial because higher doses can be administered and there is less toxicity since we increase the solubility of the chemotherapy particles.” ”, pointed out the director of IVOQA.

Likewise, Cortés has highlighted the importance of multidisciplinary and specialized work in the treatment of advanced cancer. “At the oncology institute we are all very committed to the comprehensive treatment of cancer patients, we find it very important to accompany patients and families and treat our patients taking care of all aspects of their well-being. That’s why we have a great team. Humanization in the care of cancer patients is fundamental for us,” he added.

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