Weather in Córdoba: forecast for Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 9:00 p.m.


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If you are looking for information about the weather in the province of Córdoba, look no further. In our complete weather forecast, we provide you with everything you need to know about the maximum and minimum temperature, the weather, the probability of rain, precipitation and wind, so you can always be one step ahead of the weather and plan your activities without surprises. unpleasant.

  1. The State Meteorological Agency (AEMET)

The State Meteorological Agency, known as AEMET, is the government institution in charge of collecting, analyzing and disseminating meteorological information in Spain. Founded in 1887, AEMET plays a vital role in Spanish society by providing accurate weather forecasts, alerts and warnings to keep the population informed about weather conditions. In addition to its forecasting function, the agency plays an essential role in monitoring and monitoring adverse weather events, thus contributing to the safety of people and the management of weather-related emergency situations.

The AEMET operates an extensive network of meteorological stations, radars and satellites, which allows it to offer updated and reliable data throughout Spanish territory. Likewise, it is responsible for the study and analysis of long-term climate data, which is essential for understanding climate patterns and their trends. In short, the AEMET plays a crucial role in the daily lives of citizens, since it provides information that affects decision-making and the planning of activities that depend on weather conditions, such as agriculture, navigation and management. of water resources, among others.


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