«Uber is an application, not a public transport system» – Radio Nacional


“Uber is an application, not a public transportation system”

The head of Arco Acción Ciudadana, Emanuel Akiki analyzed the situation of the UBER system in the city of La Rioja, where it warned certain “confusion” in addressing the issue, since he considered that, “This company is an application and not a public transportation system.” In addition, he warned users that “The company is not responsible for any incident or accident” all responsibilities falling on the driver.

Akiki then explained that “People choose Uber, because it is cheaper and more agile”, but it does not warn of all the taxes and costs that taxis and remises must pay. Finally, he urged taxi drivers and taxi drivers to “modernize” and improve the conditions of automobiles, although he recognized the economic difficulties in carrying them out.



The RosquitaMonday to Friday, from 6 to 8 p.m.

Driving and General Production: Ezequiel Fuentes Sauma

Executive Production: Exequiel Ríos Bonetto

Foreign Journalist: Érica Barrionuevo

Technical Operation and Musicalization: Sebastián Sorianello


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