Di Zeo traveled to Córdoba and launched his plan to avoid the ban on entering stadiums “for life”

Di Zeo traveled to Córdoba and launched his plan to avoid the ban on entering stadiums “for life”
Di Zeo traveled to Córdoba and launched his plan to avoid the ban on entering stadiums “for life”

Rafael Di Zeo in La 12 (TELAM)

In his fight to return to the fields Rafael Di Zeo He took his first step yesterday: he appeared before the prosecutor of Río Segundo, Patricia Baulies, to be notified of the case against him for shared possession of a firearm and to give an investigative statement.. Your place in the race depends on the result of this procedure. candy box: If Justice believes his version and dismisses him, the right of admission for an indefinite period that the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, gave him, will fall like an autumn leaf. But if the prosecutor decides after listening to all the accused that all the bars must go to oral trial, the paravalanches will be as far away as now.

The case dates back to the previous semifinal of the League Cup of last April 30 when The twelve He was traveling to the Mediterranean province to watch Boca’s game against Estudiantes and in a search on the route, four weapons suitable for shooting were found in one of the buses in the caravan, all with filed numbers and one with the Police logo. Federal Argentina, plus 58 ammunition. According to the Justice, Rafael Di Zeo was traveling in that bus, even though at the time he was not able to be detained along with the rest of the occupants of the bus and returned in a van to Buenos Aires. At that moment, everyone was given the right of admission to that match and a few days later, the Minister of National Security, Patricia Bullrich, extended the ban indefinitely for all national and international competitions. “Forever”, he said at the press conference where he announced the sanction. Di Zeo fights against that situation.

That is why the tranquility of the Cordoba town was altered mid-morning, when a Mercedes Benz parked a few meters from Plaza Sarmiento, in the heart of Río Segundo. Before the astonished gaze of several passers-by in this town of 27,000 inhabitants, the leader of La Doce got out of the vehicle on the front passenger side. Behind him was his right hand, Carlos Maciel, alias Skeleton, also accused of the same crime and the person in charge of the situation was his lawyer, Diego Storto.

The news spread quickly and although he did not have the rockstar reception that had been seen in the capital of Córdoba on the day of the Superclásico, Di Zeo greeted a couple of fans who shouted at him as soon as they saw him and entered the building with a calm face. The prosecutor was waiting for him inside to notify him that he had been charged with a crime that carries a penalty of up to six years in prison and also to take his investigative statement at that same moment. The bar boss sat next to his lawyer and listened to the accusation read to him by the prosecutor’s secretary. just there He denied having participated in any illegal activity and warned that he was not going to answer questions. The same attitude was adopted Skeleton Maciel, so at the end of the event they were informed that the case was continuing its course and they could leave. The three walked a few meters, returned to the Mercedes Benz and traveled the 658 kilometers back to Capital Federal, trusting that the prosecution will not be able to prove their guilt and will have to dismiss them.

Weapons kidnapping in the Boca bar

“The process is all irregular. They gave him the right of admission before notifying him that he had a cause. It is unusual if only today (yesterday) they notified you of your situation. Furthermore, there is no camera that shows that he was on top of that microphone, because he was not on top of that microphone,” Diego Storto told Infobae. And regarding the investigation he added: “Obviously he denied the fact because it clearly has nothing to do with the discovery of the weapons, which is what is being investigated. And furthermore, the crime they accuse him of, shared possession, does not exist. The prosecutor will have to determine who owned what was found and judge them. “Rafa has nothing to do with all this, that is very clear.”

It is not the same reading that they have in the Córdoba Courts. Although there are no videos that show that Di Zeo was on top of the bus where the weapons were seized, the instruction bases his accusation on the testimonies of the two police officers who led the search of the bus who declared that the first to get off the unit was the leader of La Doce. And that came down behind Skeleton, who at the time was taken along with the other 57 bars to the prosecutor’s office. Regarding the crime of shared possession, there is a discussion: half of the library affirms that if 4 weapons are found in a place with 58 people and no one takes charge of them, everyone is responsible. And the other half assures that if there is no owner, there is no person responsible. It will be seen in this thin thread where the gaze of the prosecutor Baulies travels.

Rafael Di Zeo and Mauro Martín

How is the process going now? Di Zeo and Maciel were the first to appear for the investigation. Now the prosecutor will take the same procedure with all those who were traveling in that bus, but she will not make them travel to Córdoba but rather they will testify from Buenos Aires via Zoom or it also analyzes that they declare with a Buenos Aires judge via letter. Based on what they say, the decision will be made to take the case to trial and it will be seen if it is for all those involved or whether it leaves someone out, as Di Zeo confides. The latter seems difficult because when asked about Infobae to the instructors of the case about what would happen if any of the occupants took charge of the weapons, the response was that it would be analyzed but also that it would be taken into consideration whether they are lying to favor someone, since they did not take charge in their own right. moment in the prosecutor’s office when they went for the first time, so they could be charged with alleged cover-up. If this line prevails, the chances of returning to the court for the historic head of the bar are reduced so much that he would have to wait for his situation to be resolved in an oral trial. And the time in Justice has an extension that would leave Di Zeo close to the objective that Patricia Bullrich set for herself: not to see him in a stadium while she is Minister of Security.

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