The best teachers’ day memes in Colombia

The best teachers’ day memes in Colombia
The best teachers’ day memes in Colombia

Teacher’s Day, which is also celebrated in Mexico, has left some memes on social networks – credit Getty Images and Strange Design/Facebook

Every May 15, Teacher’s Day is celebrated in Colombia, a day dedicated to recognizing and valuing the work of teachers throughout the country. The celebration originated in 1950 with the designation of Saint John Baptist de La Salle as ‘patron saint of educators’, when former president Mariano Ospina decided to mark the date in 1950.

This day not only reflects historical recognition, but also celebrates the importance of teaching and the crucial role that teachers play in the development of Colombian society. Educators not only teach knowledge, but also promote values ​​and encourage critical thinking in their students, to prepare future generations for the challenges to come.

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Teachers’ Day celebrations in Colombia include various activities organized by educational institutions and other community spaces. Students often prepare special events ranging from civic events to artistic performances to express their gratitude to their teachers. In addition, ceremonies are held where awards and distinctions are awarded to those teachers who have stood out for their dedication and professional career.

For teachers it is a rewarding day. Infobae Colombia He spoke with a rural teacher from Cundinamarca, who stated that her work “is a great responsibility to be able to give children the opportunity to learn, know, and help them. To provide them with basic knowledge that is useful for life. It’s to help them grow. What one can give the most is joy and satisfaction. It is giving them something that one has and that can be useful to students for their future, or for their daily life.”, he commented.

Along the same lines, Pythagoras, the great Greek philosopher who lived 500 years before Christ, is attributed a phrase that expresses that generous act with students of equipping them for their journey: “Educating is not giving a career to live, but tempering the soul for the difficulties of life”.

But on social networks there is also a party. What were once humorous comments regarding the teachers’ personalities, some of their practices and styles, as well as some particular experiences, have now become memes that circulate throughout the digital ecosystem.

These are some of those that have been published on networks. Some have been disclosed in Mexico, because in the Aztec country the work of teachers is also recognized on the same date.

Memes for Teacher’s Day – credit @BORRACHITO/X

Memes for Teacher’s Day – credit @BORRACHITO/X

Celebrating teachers on the networks with memes – credit @andrealmo7/X

Teacher’s Day Memes in Colombia – credit social networks/Facebook

This is how Internet users celebrated Teacher’s Day – credit @EnsedeCiencia/X

Memes about teachers – credit Design Strange/ Facebook

Beyond the festivities, this day also highlights the constant challenges facing the educational system in Colombia, with greater impetus in regions that are mostly rural. Therefore, the teaching profession requires continuous updating and deep dedication, so that teachers adapt to social, technological and pedagogical changes.

Recognition of teachers on Teacher’s Day is not limited to a simple celebration, but is an opportunity to reflect on how to improve their working conditions, promote their professional development and ensure that they have the necessary resources to carry out their work with excellence.

As for Bogotá, several institutions have announced that there will be no classes on Friday, May 17, because in many schools and colleges, students organize special activities to express their gratitude to their teachers. These spaces may include artistic presentations, delivery of letters and gifts. Likewise, some unions and associations of educators take advantage of the occasion to present demands and proposals with the aim of improving the working conditions and salaries of teachers.

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