Benefits of Sisbén group C: what subsidies apply to this population?

Group C of Sisbén has various social aid, since although these citizens are not below the poverty line, they are considered a vulnerable population,

Group C of Sisbén has various social aid, since although these citizens are not below the poverty line, they are considered a vulnerable population,

In Colombia, all households have the possibility of being classified through the System for Identification of Potential Beneficiaries of Social Programs, Sisbén, which has a range of social aid for citizens depending on their level of vulnerability.

The Sisbén consists of a survey that is the tool that helps the entities that administer social programs to know the purchasing capacity of families and in this way the Department for Social Prosperity defines who may be beneficiaries of the different programs.

It is important to remember that the Sisbén registry “orders people and households from the poorest to the least poor, in order to identify the population that should be the object of social offer.”

The classification has four letters and a number that is associated with each one, these range from A to D and the closer the home is to the classification “A” means that that family is below the poverty line, on the other hand. part, while close to the “D” it means that the person’s quality of life is good and they have considerable income.

You can read: Are they asking you to update Sisbén? Don’t worry, here we explain what to do

In the same way, each group has a number that helps determine how close it is to the next group and thus know its degree of vulnerability.

  • Group A: The household is in extreme poverty, that is, it is the population that has the least capacity to generate income and is made up of five subgroups ranging from A1 to A5.
  • B Group: These households are in the moderate poverty group, this means that although this population has a greater capacity to generate income than those in group A, they are still below the poverty threshold and is made up of 7 subgroups from B1 to B7.
  • Group C: This group includes the vulnerable population, that is, the population at risk of falling into poverty. This group is divided into 18 subgroups, that is, from C1 to C18.
  • Group D: This group includes non-vulnerable Colombians and is made up of 21 subgroups from D1 to D21.

What benefits does group C have?

Group C of Sisbén has various social aid, since although these citizens are not below the poverty line, they are considered a vulnerable population, this means that the income they receive is sufficient to satisfy a diet of more than 2,100 calories. daily and other basic needs, but they are at risk of falling into poverty due to some socioeconomic conditions.

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If you are in this classification, you can access some state social programs, such as:

  • Greater Colombia: This subsidy applies only to older adults who are in classification C1.
  • Subsidized Health Regime: This subsidizes 100% of services in public health institutions for those in classification C.
  • Education subsidies: You will be able to access subsidies of up to 50% of the tuition payment for private schools.
  • Housing subsidies: If you are up to the C7 classification, the State will encourage you with up to 30 minimum wages for the down payment on a home.
  • Keep in mind If you are in group C (in advance, the subsidy will be up to 20 minimum wages.


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