Discomfort at having to repeat an opposition exam for an error that “was already noticed”

Discomfort at having to repeat an opposition exam for an error that “was already noticed”
Discomfort at having to repeat an opposition exam for an error that “was already noticed”

Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 08:47

In this Wednesday’s section, there are protests about having to repeat an exam, about the taxi service in Logroño, the closure of the swimming pools in Lobete and La Ribera or the destruction of the gardens of the UR, among others.

  1. “Destroy” in the UR garden after the camping trip

Today’s Reader’s Telephone starts from Logroño. A resident of the capital wonders “who is going to pay for the destruction that the young people from the Palestine camp have done in the university garden.” He assures that he is in favor of peace, but believes that the camp “was illegal and that they had no right to occupy a public space and spoil it.”

  1. Capellán announces a “regressive measure”

The next call is also from Logroño. A neighbor considers that the elimination of the Wealth Tax that Capellán has announced is “a regressive measure.” Furthermore, she adds that “those who have the most are the ones who will win the most. All communities governed by the Popular Party do the same and benefit the upper classes.

  1. A ring road within Logroño

From Cascajos comes a complaint to the City Council because “after several suggestions it does nothing to control the speed at which cars travel from Duqués de Nájera to the train and bus stations,” laments this native of Logroño. “You have to put your hand to make them stop at zebra crossings and they still get offended,” she continues. She does not understand what the council’s objective is in inaugurating a “dangerous path.” In her opinion, they have built “a new road that is like a ring road within the city.”

  1. Taxis “take as long as they want”

Another complaint, this time for the taxi service in Logroño. “On the night of May 24th we called from Cameros street and it took them three quarters of an hour to come,” says this resident. Because of this delay they missed the bus that was taking them on holiday to Benidorm and she says that “we had to spend more money, buy other tickets and we wasted a day of vacation.” That is why she asks that “they don’t deceive people, they tell you they will arrive in ten minutes and then they take as long as they want.”

  1. An error that forces an opposition to be repeated

“I have passed the exam and I am going to have to do it again,” explains an indignant woman from Logroño who last May took the operator exams called by the City Council. “The union warned the council of a problem in court and they did not pay attention,” she mentions. After having completed the exercise, a judge has ordered the test to be repeated and the opponent wonders “who is responsible for this chaos, we are not to blame.”

  1. «Don’t let Milei in»

“Don’t let Milei enter Spain because she has insulted all of us Spaniards,” this reader pleads. “What has this person done for Ayuso to give him a prize,” she wonders.

  1. The Las Gaunas pools “are going to collapse”

A user of the capital’s heated swimming pools shows his dissatisfaction with the closure of Lobete and La Ribera during July and August. “It seems terrible to me because they leave us stranded in a lot of neighborhoods, we have to go to Las Gaunas, which are also going to collapse,” he says. The solution to this problem is to “close one month and then the other, this is the most appropriate,” he concludes.

  1. Recognition for the pulmonology service

We end the section with a health thank you. Eulalia would like to thank the pulmonology service at Hospital San Pedro. “I have been sick for more than four years, with frequent admissions and in this time of tension I would like to recognize the work of the doctors and nurses, always so professional and kind,” emphasizes this woman from Rioja.

Do you have a complaint? A protest? A thank you?

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    Leave your text (or a voice message) at 690 879609, indicating that it is for El Telephone del Lector

  • The Chili Pepper

    If your complaint comes with a photo, you can also send it to us at 690 879609, or by email to [email protected]

«In theory it is a smoke-free space»

A resident of Logroño sends us a photo to comment that the containers located on Juan Lobo street are not in the best place. The situation, which he defines as “unpleasant”, worsens when other citizens get rid of the furniture. He asks the City Council to do something about it and to find a better location for them.

The rules of The Reader’s Telephone

  • To facilitate

    the greatest number of calls, be brief, clear and concise in your presentation. The newspaper will respect the anonymity of readers who contact this section, but it will be necessary for them to state their name and contact telephone number, in case it is necessary to verify the origin of any of the calls. In no case will messages with disqualifications towards third parties be published. Political criticism of people and institutions has its specific space in the “Letters to the Director” section, in the Opinion pages of Diario LA RIOJA.

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