Dissidents responsible for attacks in Neiva fall • La Nación

Dissidents responsible for attacks in Neiva fall • La Nación
Dissidents responsible for attacks in Neiva fall • La Nación

Martín Eduardo García Morales, Carlos Eduardo Romero Cleves, Milcíades Marín Marín, Dagoberto Valderrama Cruz and Álvaro Rojas Luna, would be responsible for launching explosive devices at commercial establishments in the capital of Huila. The five subjects were charged with the crimes of terrorism, extortion and aggravated criminal conspiracy.

Given the acts of terrorism that had been affecting the commercial sector in Neiva, an important result was achieved in terms of security, which left five men safe from justice, who would be alleged members of the FARC dissidents.

His criminal actions

“These people would be responsible for delivering summons pamphlets to ranchers, coffee growers, transporters, hoteliers and merchants; and the launching of explosive devices at commercial establishments that refused to comply with economic demands in Neiva, Campoalegre, Algeciras and Gigante,” the Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

Those involved

It was the investigative work of the GAULA Group of the National Police, in coordination with units of the Neiva Metropolitan Police and the Attorney General’s Office, that allowed the prosecution of Martín Eduardo García Morales alias ‘Martin’, Carlos Eduardo Romero Cleves alias ‘Jeringa ‘, Milcíades Marín Marín alias ‘Milcíades’, Dagoberto Valderrama Cruz alias ‘Dago’ and Álvaro Rojas Luna alias ‘Alvarito’, in the capital of Huila.

The catches

Those mentioned were deprived of their liberty through search and seizure warrants in the Cuarto Centenario, Nueva Granada and Las Américas neighborhoods of Neiva. In their possession were found two motorcycles and four cell phones that they used in criminal activities.

Those involved were discovered after the analysis of the security cameras of the sites where the different explosives were activated, which left considerable material damage on the facades of two offices of the Surtiplaza supermarket, as well as the Peter Pan bakery, the Yamaha, Honda, Distoyota and the companies of Ciudad Médica, La Toma and Incihuila in the capital of Huila.

They would be dissidents

The individuals would be members of the Iván Díaz Front of the Jorge Suarez Briceño Block of the Central General Staff of the FARC dissidents.

Intimidation was part of their criminal actions to free up their income and strengthen their criminal structures. “These people apparently obtained illicit profits of more than 200 million pesos per month as a result of the economic demands in the municipalities of Neiva, Campoalegre, Algeciras and Gigante, Huila,” said the delegate of the Prosecutor’s Office.

It should be remembered that, so far in 2024, 14 explosives have already been placed in Neiva alone, including grenades and artisanal devices. In hearings, a specialized prosecutor assigned to the Gaula unit charged them with the crimes of attempted aggravated extortion., terrorism and conspiracy to commit a crime for the purposes of extortion and terrorism.

They were sent to prison

For his part, the guarantee control judge, accepting the physical evidence, decided to impose a security measure on them in prison.

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