It was up to the citizens to cover the craters on Ferrocarril Avenue | ELOLFATO.COM

It was up to the citizens to cover the craters on Ferrocarril Avenue | ELOLFATO.COM
It was up to the citizens to cover the craters on Ferrocarril Avenue | ELOLFATO.COM

Given the lack of action by the Ibagué Mayor’s Office to cover the dangerous gaps in the important and worn-out Ferrocarril Avenue, It was up to the citizens, with shovel and cement, to go out and do it.

“Los Manolitos”, as they call themselves, pointed out that They decided to carry out this work after one of their colleagues had an accident at this point and lost his life.

“What’s more, two days ago, on the 14th and fourth, a colleague unfortunately fell into a hole and lost his life,” said one of them.

Furthermore, he stated that This problem puts the lives of many people at risk.

“Beyond what one earns, of any currency, it is to save the integrity of a person like one, who can lose his life or be left with a very tremendous disability,” he added.

The “Manolitos” carry out this work with the help of community members, such as bus drivers, since they have to assume the cost to cover each gap.

On the other hand, they spoke about the fanfare with which The Mayor’s Office of Ibagué boasts on its social networks the patching of some roads. (See: Ibagué Mayor’s Office gives itself ‘self-promotion’ for patching a couple of streets)

“It is something very comical because the result is that they show a number of investments for the shortcomings that the city presents, but you see the money on the paper and in the mouth when they mention it, but let’s say that in the investment they make it is not seen “he concluded.

For some years now, it has become common for citizens carry out this type of actions in the face of lack of action by local administrationsin addition to birthday celebrations of streets in poor condition.

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