Córdoba: Children without food due to threats to PAE operator in 70 schools

Córdoba: Children without food due to threats to PAE operator in 70 schools
Córdoba: Children without food due to threats to PAE operator in 70 schools

They temporarily suspended the delivery of food products in several public schools in the south of Córdoba, on behalf of threats to workers of the operator of the School Feeding Plan (PAE), transportation managers.

The Government of Córdoba confirmed that the Food Consortium for Córdoba 2024, which operates the PAE in the department, informed the Departmental Secretariat of Education that they are being subjected to threats by groups outside the law.

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These intimidations in the municipality of Puerto Libertador affected the provision of the service in this municipality and in the rural area of ​​Montelíbano since this Wednesday.

In this communication, the operator points out that, due to these threats against the personnel in charge of transporting the food, Food supply activities were temporarily suspended that make up the minutes, which leaves 70 educational institutions in the aforementioned municipalities without supply.

Once the situation was known, the Ministry of the Interior and Citizen Participation of the Government informed the National Police to clarify these facts and provide the necessary support to the operator to guarantee the transportation of the food to the institutions affected by this situation.

In this regard, the commander of the Police of the department of Córdoba, Colonel Jhon Fredy Suárez Guerrero, said that after learning of what happened ordered Gaula and Sijín so that they could begin the respective lines of investigation that must be carried out regarding these events.

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“The District Commander was ordered to be attentive pending the necessary accompaniment of this consortium to these vehicles, as we have done with many companies in the department,” explained the senior officer.

In the opinion of the public force, members of the criminal gang Clan del Golfo maintain their radius of action in that region of southern Córdoba.

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