Radio Havana Cuba | They remember the beginning of Cuba’s medical collaboration in the world

First Cuban Medical Collaboration Brigade

Havana, May 23 (RHC) The Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, recalled today through his account in X the arrival in Algeria in May 1963 of the first Cuban medical brigade.

“With the arrival in Algeria…The history of our country’s collaboration in this sphere began. Since then, many pages of heroism, dedication, sensitivity and commitment have been written,” the Cuban leader wrote on the social network.

In turn, he expressed “eternal gratitude to our health collaborators who during these 61 years have been protagonists of multiple feats in foreign lands, always leaving the name of Cuba high.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, also recalled on the same platform, the sending of his country’s first medical collaboration brigade abroad 61 years ago.

In his profile on the social network

Our health personnel are an example of solidarity and dedication to saving lives, Rodríguez noted in his message.

Also the Minister of Health of this Caribbean nation, José Ángel Portal, recalled that since that first internationalist mission in Algeria there have been more than 600 thousand Health collaborators who have provided their services in all latitudes with sensitivity, heroism, dedication and professionalism. .

Cuban Medical Brigade that traveled to Algeria. Image: @MMarreroCruz

May 23, 1963 marked a milestone in the history of Cuba. That day, a plane transported 29 doctors, 4 stomatologists, 14 nurses and 7 health technicians to Algeria, to permanently provide services to that town, Michael Cabrera, director of the Central Medical Collaboration Unit, recalled to Granma newspaper today. .

Cabrera affirmed that 58 brigades of Cuban health specialists collaborated in confronting the Covid-19 pandemic in 42 countries.

Currently, more than 22,600 collaborators on the island provide these services, grouped in 54 brigades, which respond to the needs expressed by each of the governments that request their services.

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