CAF trains 110 entrepreneurs from Magdalena

CAF trains 110 entrepreneurs from Magdalena
CAF trains 110 entrepreneurs from Magdalena

“The Training School for Entrepreneurs” was designed to strengthen the skills of entrepreneurs and their productive units, and is committed to the development of the city, with the aim of creating awareness, strengthening and social integration.

“We highlight the work of the association that has been created in this process between groups of entrepreneurs to grow their business, families betting on it and to improve their income and personal development. For us it is a satisfaction to be able to successfully complete this very rewarding process; We thank the body of teachers who accompanied us during these three months,” said Diana Giraldo, Director of the Historical Center Corporation.

For his part, Carlos Jaramillo, Secretary of Economic Development and Competitiveness of Santa Marta, pointed out that “the district government is proud to support initiatives such as the “Training School for Entrepreneurs”, which strengthen the skills of citizens and promote economic development. of Santa Marta. We congratulate the 110 certified entrepreneurs, who, with their effort and dedication, will contribute significantly to the growth and well-being of our city.”

Finally, Juan Carlos Elorza, director of Technical and Sectoral Analysis of the Private Sector of CAF, highlighted that “at CAF we exalt the dynamism that the business strengthening program has generated in the historic center of Santa Marta, not only because of the excellent results at graduation. to 110 entrepreneur, but also because of the commitment that we have seen from all the actors in the ecosystem. We hope that this project generates a demonstration effect in the city and allows us to take the lessons learned to other cities in Latin America and the Caribbean where we want to promote sustainable tourism and local economic reactivation.”

We thank our allies: Universidad del Magdalena- Mayor’s Office of Santa Marta- Secretariat of Economic Development- Secretary of Culture- Claustro San Juan Nepomuceno- Indurod – Cruz Verde Ambiental- Panamerican Room- Calzado Pisarte- Clazado Bucaramanga- Variedades la 5ta- SAYCO and Acinpro – Santa Mesa Restaurant. For supporting us in this process and being a fundamental part of its development.


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