López Obrador and Ricardo Gallardo evaluate progress of the IMSS-Wellbeing in SLP – La Jornada San Luis

López Obrador and Ricardo Gallardo evaluate progress of the IMSS-Wellbeing in SLP – La Jornada San Luis
López Obrador and Ricardo Gallardo evaluate progress of the IMSS-Wellbeing in SLP – La Jornada San Luis

As part of the modernization of the health care service for all Potosinos, through the Decentralized Public Body (OPD) of IMSS-Bienestar, the Head of the Executive Power of the State, Ricardo Gallardo Cardona, met with the President of Mexico , Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to evaluate progress in the transition and detail the last phase of the hospital delivery process, which includes the rescue and expansion of the Rioverde hospital.

The President of Potosí said that the General Hospital of Rioverde, with the expansion carried out, will have 160 beds, as well as a greater number of specialist doctors, which will consolidate it in the health care of families throughout the Middle region who do not have right, which will also allow them to save time and money on trips to the capital.

With this modernization process, the hospital will have a capacity similar to that of the “Dr. Ignacio Morones Prieto”, in the metropolitan area, which will allow thousands of families from various municipalities such as Cárdenas, Rayón, San Ciro de Acosta, Ciudad Fernández and Cerritos to be served in their region without having to travel to the capital.

After the meeting, Gallardo Cardona recognized that, thanks to the good relationship with the Federal Government, projects of vital importance for the State such as the right to health can be coordinated.

The new IMSS-Wellness System operates in 23 entities throughout the country, to serve 53.2 million Mexicans without social security, in which San Luis Potosí is considered to be one of the first to join President López Obrador’s health plan , to guarantee attention to the people of Potosí in the four regions of the State.


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