Radio Havana Cuba | They demand in Russia to remove Cuba from the illegal list prepared by the US

Image: Prensa Latina.

Moscow, June 25 (RHC) The Communist Party of the Russian Federation -PCFR-, issued a statement this Tuesday in which it demands to exclude Cuba from the list of states that according to Washington sponsor terrorism, and to end the blockade against Caribbean nation.

In the manifesto signed by the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPRF, it is stated that Russian communists have repeatedly expressed their strong condemnation of the campaign of anti-Cuban sanctions undertaken by the US authorities for many decades, as learned by Prensa Latina.

Later, the document recalls that in May 2024, Washington removed the Republic of Cuba from the list of countries that do not cooperate “fully” with it in the fight against terrorism.

However, this is just a clever attempt to demonstrate that the United States has a supposed objective position and goodwill. This public relations measure seems like a complete mockery in the context of Cuba remaining on the list of countries that sponsor terrorism!

Likewise, the note states that it is a well-known fact that the Caribbean nation actively cooperates in the fight against terrorism at the international level. If the United States is truly willing to recognize this, then all political manipulations in this regard must cease.

Only the removal of Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism, as well as the cessation of the practice of sanctions, will put an end to the shameful page of cynical US pressure on Liberty Island. The essence of Havana’s political system is the social model of its State, the document adds.

The text adds that it is this result of the Cuban Revolution that its people defend despite the unprecedented blackmail and the blockade regime. By overcoming difficulties, Cubans demonstrate their willingness to defend the freedom of their socialist homeland and resist external pressure and aggression.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation calls on the international community to immediately develop and implement specific measures to end the barbaric blockade of Cuba.

The actions of the United States against a sovereign State directly impede its development, deprive the Cuban people of their means of subsistence, and undermine the foundations of normal human life.

The Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation notes with satisfaction the intensification of Russian-Cuban relations at the current stage, the document states.

He adds that commercial, economic, political, scientific, cultural and humanitarian ties are growing. The conditions are created to take bilateral relations towards a new and more dynamic development trajectory.

At the same time, we clearly see how the artificial barriers created by Washington from a whole stockade of sanctions hinder the strengthening of cooperation between Russia and Cuba, the text states.

In our opinion, Washington’s behavior is a complete form of state terrorism. Not a single sovereign country, not a single just political force, not a single decent person can agree to this, concludes the CPRF statement. (Fountain: Prensa Latina).

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