Legislature approved the new Criminal Procedure Code of Chubut

Legislature approved the new Criminal Procedure Code of Chubut
Legislature approved the new Criminal Procedure Code of Chubut

For his part, the Governor celebrated the approval of the project and valued the support of all the blocks that “gave the necessary debate.” The project had been sent by the Executive with the purpose of reducing the high rates of violence in Chubut and speeding up justice times.


With 26 of the 27 deputies present, the approval of bill number 70/24 was given with 24 votes in favor and two against (Tatiana Goic, from the Arriba Chubut bloc, and Santiago Vasconcelos, from the Frente de Izquierda bloc), after a debate that lasted two hours.

The foundation of the project was in charge of the president of the Commission of Constitutional Affairs and Justice, María Andrea Aguilera, who gave an account of the journey of the proposal that dates back a few years, but which was taken up by the Executive Branch for its consideration. by the deputies.


Aguilera made an exhaustive review, article by article, of the modifications contained in the project that, he said, “will strengthen institutions and generate a faster response from Justice for citizens.”

The legislator from the Despierta Chubut bloc highlighted “the in-depth analysis with the participation of all Justice actors” in the discussion sessions that took place in the Legislature in recent weeks, as well as “the commitment” of those same operators “to the efficiency of judicial deadlines.

And he added that the approach to the reform of the Criminal Procedure Code “marked a different course in the treatment of laws in this Legislature, with openness to the community and transparency.”


The debate also included interventions by the members of the Arriba Chubut bloc Juan Pais (president of the bench) and Emanuel Coliñir, who highlighted the information day held last April 17 in the meeting room of the Legislature Library, as well as the remaining instances of participation.

“It was one of the most enriching debates since we shared projects that later became law,” said Coliñir. And he added: “Regardless of whether we are for or against it, it is good for society to see that we are working to solve the problem of insecurity.”

For his part, Pais agreed with Coliñir although he added: “We have to be careful of generating false expectations because the reform in itself does not guarantee greater security, but it does generate more credibility in the system, taking into account the discredit of the powers of the State.” .

He highlighted that “the legislative debate, from where a discussion area was created for the first time where all actors in the system could express their point of view. The information day was not a mere staging, but rather led to consensus and a Commission office.


The official legislators Paulina Hogalde and Luis Juncos joined the debate, who, respectively, emphasized the modifications in the articles and the “political decision” of the Executive Branch, said the deputy, to advance with the reform. In addition, Juncos valued “the Legislature’s imprint of addressing important issues with the presence of specialists.”

Representative Andrea Toro, president of the PICh bloc, was also part of the discussion, and she advanced general support for the norm, since she will collaborate “with procedural agility.”

Meanwhile, Goic and Vasconcelos intervened to express their disagreement based on the fact that the Provincial Committee for the Prevention of Torture did not participate in the information day, although Representative Aguilera clarified that members of that body were present informally at the call.


For his part, Ignacio Torres expressed that “after so many years, today we took a very important step towards a safer province.”

Its treatment and approval “will allow us to improve security and accelerate the time of justice, a demand that society has been demanding for a long time,” said the president.

“I congratulate the team that worked on this new Code, and the deputies from all the blocks who accompanied and gave the necessary debate to approve it,” said Torres regarding the modifications proposed by the provincial government to achieve a greater number of trials and sentences. and more agility in judicial and investigation processes.

Since its submission to the Legislature, the initiative was debated and agreed upon in the parliamentary chamber with a broad participation of representatives of the three branches of government, as well as national and provincial experts. The modifications, approved this Thursday, aim to improve public security, accelerate criminal processes and modernize judicial investigation mechanisms.

“This will allow us to streamline processes and optimize all available resources to end a scourge that crosses all limits and threatens society as a whole,” said Torres.


In this sense, the president considered that this is a fundamental step for the safety of the people of Chubut, but he also clarified that “we need to remain focused and move forward immediately with the bill presented by the National Government to lower the age of imputability ” at 14 years.

«Today a minor can kill and not be judged; That has to change urgently. A boy who murders must go to prison,” the Governor insisted, and indicated that the reform of the juvenile penal regime “cannot be postponed” and must be part of “the agenda of the entire leadership of the country, regardless of political colors.”

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