Cuba. The managers of chaos are preparing a “hot” summer

By Raúl Antonio Capote*. Latin American Summary, June 25, 2024.

Masked individuals block avenues, close main streets, attack state institutions, burn tires, set fires, loot and kill.

They wear hoods to hide their faces, bulletproof vests, helmets with built-in cameras to transmit live terrorist actions, visors, gas masks, homemade explosives, backpacks and bags where they carry Molotov cocktails, stone throwers, mallets, iron batons, mortars, homemade bazookas , brass shields.

The violent acts are presented as peaceful demonstrations by students, the press shows photos of OAS officials and NGOs created by the Empire “killed by the regime,” tearing their clothes and crying out for Yankee intervention.

Where do these events occur? Caracas? Managua? La Paz during the coup against Evo Morales? Perhaps even further away geographically? Tehran? kyiv?

The Venezuelan and Nicaraguan terrorists did not copy the organization and military equipment of the Ukrainian Maidan. Those who promoted, financed and executed it are the same ones who have been trying to defeat the Bolivarian Revolution for years and, of course, have the same teachers.

Same weapons, same outfits, similar slogans, common sponsors, behind the scenes, the same puppeteer, The NED (National Endowment Democracy, leading agent of the soft power of the United States to overthrow governments that are not related to them.

According to Allen Weinstein, founder of the NED, in 1991: “Much of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.”

The budget with which the NED operates comes from the United States Congress, which grants it millions every two years as part of the State Department budget.

The money is distributed among the International Republican Institute (IRI), the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), the American Center for International Labor Solidarity of the American Federation of Trade Unions-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), of the Chamber of Commerce, which in turn disburses money and materials for opposition organizations in countries that do not have the sympathy of the North American Government.

In addition to the NED, USAID could not be missing, an organization that has been the most active promoter of regime change against progressive governments in Latin America.

“In Nicaragua, the USAID budget exceeded 5.2 million in 2018, with the majority of funds allocated to training civil society and media organizations,” according to American blogger and writer Max Blumenthal in your digital page.

It is the same USAID that used the funds of the Alliance for Progress, the US “economic”, “political” and “social” aid program, a kind of Marshall Plan and the first great attempt to stop the Latin American revolution and isolate Cuba, to finance repression.

Let us not forget that it is the same USAID that financed the training of death squads, funded “health” programs that hid inhumane sterilization processes in Central America.

USAID has created a deep network in our continent, which recruits cadres, produces leaders, and penetrates civil society. A true interventionist army of “experts,” “consultants,” and “advisers” who work on the development of subversive plans.

Only in its first ten years of creation, the NED distributed more than 200 million dollars in 1,500 projects to support the so-called “friends of America.”

Serbia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Iran and Venezuela, wherever there is a government that contravenes the interests of the United States, the generously funded specialists of destabilization and chaos operate.

Mercenaries, criminals, employees of the “Soft Coup”, of the “Color Revolutions”, “revolutions” with striking and peaceful names, designed in the laboratories of Langley, where the purchase of uncritical consciences and deception, seduction through the use of concepts attractive to young people and a lot of money, all the money necessary, are the soldiers and weapons of the new war.

And of course, now and always the main target is Cuba, those same ones are preparing a hot summer for the rebel island, taking advantage of the difficult circumstances caused by the economic war, they plan to sabotage the electrical networks, commit acts of terrorism against officials, institutions of the state, supporters of the Revolution, etc.

They want to turn off our homes, drive us into absolute misery, cause despair and break any hope, so that people rise up against the government.

It is a well-known scheme, faced hundreds of times by Cubans, which does not make it any less dangerous, especially given the current geopolitical situation.

They then hope to cause chaos in Venezuela if Nicolás Maduro wins, if the people triumph, they intend to bring down the Chavista government and then, following the same strategy, the same model used against Cuba, to put an end to the government of Bolivia.

Now or never, say the Washington leaders, everything is at stake, the beast is wounded and its last blows could be dangerous.

Cuban writer, professor, researcher and journalist. He is the author of “Game of Illuminations”, “The Illustrated Knight”, “The Adversary”, “Enemy” and “The War Against Us”.

Photos: Gettyimages.

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