Marina Calabro told Yanina Latorre the reasons for her resignation from Lanata without a filter

Marina Calabro told Yanina Latorre the reasons for her resignation from Lanata without a filter
Marina Calabro told Yanina Latorre the reasons for her resignation from Lanata without a filter


The last delivery of the Martín Fierro Radio Awards had Marina Calabro as a great protagonist. The entertainment columnist Unfiltered Lanata He won the award and thanked his “love”, Rolando Barbano, a police columnist from the same cycle. When he went up on stage to receive her own statuette, he did not return the gesture and ended up being booed. This Tuesday, it emerged that she resigned from the program after nine years and, minutes later, in the radio show she has with Yanina Latorre on The Observer 107.9, explained the reasons.

“I told you first in private, when I found out. And then, publicly. The last time I told you was last week. The column was not enough. It is of no use to you for your life. There are places you have to leave. That column no longer added to you, no matter how much Lanata’s program was, no matter how much you earned very well, because you are on the best radio station in the country and on the best program, but it was shrinking, your work was no longer shining,” the panelist shot THE M at the beginning of their exchange. And Calabró, then, indicated: “That is the key. It wasn’t even 15 minutes. There were eight… He spoke quickly and in that fast speaking, the tension was noticeable. She didn’t have the time to generate the weather. I had to leave all the hoses. I ended up giving information that, when you have a scoop, it’s good, but if not… I like to do audience analysis, and that was a hallmark of the column, and that couldn’t be done more.”

“Before it was a block and a half and it became half a block. It was eight minutes, nine minutes. The longest day was 13, I think, but it never reached 15. I kept looking at the clock, because I had to finish in minus ten, because if I finished a minute later, the last columnist wouldn’t come out, and I can’t do that to a colleague.. Also, Lanata kills me and rightly so because the program is his,” revealed the journalist. And her colleague added: “Also, you weren’t having a good time with what is happening to you… It’s like feedback and seeing every day what makes you suffer. I think now your head is going to be a little freer.”

“Equally, it is a decision based on professionalism,” insisted the host of +Info in the afternoon (LN+). “I put it in these words: If my column had remained what it was, I wouldn’t have left. The thing is that I believe that in professional life and in construction, you have to go more, not less. I cannot give the audience and give myself as a professional less of the same. I have to give the same or more.” And he exemplified: “It is as if you in THE M they seat you last and replace Ángel [De Brito] Josefina Perez. “It is out of respect for one’s work and the public.”

Regarding when and how he made the decision to step aside, Calabró pointed out: “I was reviewing the chats with Lanata and I proposed my resignation to her on March 19. He responded to me first with nice things, and then he told me: ‘When we meet again, just around the corner, it will be nine more seasons.’ The Divine. And he called me ‘love’. I thought his message was beautiful. I had already spoken with Andrea Rodríguez, who is his producer, and with the director of the radio. And this came up: ‘What if we try?’ And when I started to go through it, the decision became flesh to me.”

And he added: “Later, the nominations for the Martín Fierro came and I was waiting to see if I would get in; If I wasn’t nominated I would leave. Also, Jorge was hospitalized. Now, he is already extubated, he is doing very well. It was a succession of events, but I informed you of the decision on March 19. Now, my idea was to communicate it on the Monday after the delivery of the Martín Fierro. After, what was put together was put togetherand I went inside for a while because maybe it wasn’t my time, because I didn’t have much energy. And I spoke again on Monday with Andrea Rodríguez and with the director of the radio, and today I spoke with my colleagues.”

In any case, he highlighted the positive side of his long stay in the radio cycle: “The feeling that prevails in me is gratitude. I am aware that those nine years in Wool Without Filter They gave me everything; They allowed them to call me DDM, to be to the right of Mariana Fabbiani on a current affairs program, they made me a news anchor on LN+; as a political columnist, with Alfredo Leuco, with Luis Majul; and they gave me two Martín Fierro. What more can I ask for?”


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