The employee who defended herself from being hit by a robbery spoke out: “He tried to touch my face and I reacted like this”

The employee who defended herself from being hit by a robbery spoke out: “He tried to touch my face and I reacted like this”
The employee who defended herself from being hit by a robbery spoke out: “He tried to touch my face and I reacted like this”

This is how the employee of a kiosk in Resistencia defended herself when a thief tried to steal

He wants to touch my face and I react as seen in the video“said the employee of the resistance kiosk and practitioner of kick boxing who defended himself by beating a thief who tried to rob him. The incident occurred in a business located on the avenue Avalos at 500in a central area of ​​the capital of Chaco, after five in the morning this Tuesday.

Is about Yanela Caceresthe woman who confronted the criminal and gave him more than ten hits consecutive to prevent theft. The woman has been working for more than six months serving the public in the business and she had never witnessed anything like this.

“First he asks me about a loose cigarette. We don’t sell like that anymore, so I tell him that and he asks me if I can buy him water,” she began to narrate about the beginning of the episode in a dialogue with Chaco Diary.

“We have the water in the back, so I go and carry it, but I close the window because I already know the tricks of how they want to get in. When one is careless, they enter; So I closed. And when I hand him the bottle, is when he steps on the fence and wants to enter”, he continued his story, in conversation with the local media.

The person in charge of the kiosk assured that the perpetrator of the incident would be a dirty guy from the area.

And he explained: “What seemed strange to me is that I knew I had to go back to carry the water, I had already thought about how it could be stolen. Where he wanted to enter, there is the box and he surely wanted to get everything out of there.”. “And he also managed to grab the cables that were in the computer, he wanted to take something,” Yanela stressed.

Furthermore, the employee assured that she had never experienced a situation of this nature at the kiosk. “This is the first time they have tried to steal like this. At another time, they just wanted to leave without paying. But never enter like this, as seen in the video. “It is the first time,” she confessed about the images that circulated of the event.

It happened this Tuesday in a business on Ávalos Avenue, after five in the morning

In the video, which illustrates this note, and which was captured by one of the security cameras present at the scene, the entire sequence is observed. The kiosk was almost completely closed. The only thing open was a small window, located at the top, where customers are served. It was to that place that the criminal climbed to try to steal.

The incident occurred in a kiosk in the downtown area, located on Ávalos Avenue at 500

However, upon noticing his intention, the business employee He started hitting him over and over again., non-stop. Afterwards, she grabbed the thief’s arm and pushed him back. At that moment, the suspect finally gave up and the woman managed to close the window again.

So it was that the entire episode was recorded from beginning to end: from the moment the criminal arrives at the kiosk and places the order, when he climbs through the window to steal and the outcome of Yanela. defending himself with blows. According to the local media, it was she who explained that She reacted that way because she is a “fighter of kick boxing”.

The kiosk employee hit more than ten times to defend herself from the thief

Finally, Yanela assured that she does not feel afraid, despite the situation she had to face, since they are preparing new measures to reinforce the security of commerce. The person in charge of the kiosk also spoke on this topic, previously, in dialogue with Chaco Diarywho assured that they will install more security cameras, remove the bars through which the thief climbed and will be “more attentive.”

In turn, the person in charge managed to reconstruct the event through the story of her partner – Yanela, who witnessed the attempted robbery – and the images recorded by the security cameras. Likewise, she assured that they suspect who was the person who wanted to commit a crime in the business.

“We already know who it is,” he indicated and added: “There are several traps in the area of ​​Rivadavia and Ávalos avenues.” In this sense, she explained that it would be “a little cloth from the area” who always went to the store to “buy loose cigarettes.”

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