Intergremial Atlántico supports execution of the Ci project

Intergremial Atlántico supports execution of the Ci project
Intergremial Atlántico supports execution of the Ci project

The Atlantic Inter-Union Committee issued a statement this Friday in which it expressed its support for the execution of the Ciudad Mallorquín project, which has been denounced by the community for the alleged environmental and social effects that could be generated by urban expansion in the area. of the Ciénaga de Mallorquín.

He indicated that after an analysis with the authorities and entities directly related to the execution of Ciudad Mallorquín and with representatives of the Argos Group, it was evident that the urban planning and housing project “is in accordance with the law.”

“The Atlantic Regional Autonomous Corporation, the department’s environmental authority, and the Planning Secretariat of Puerto Colombia, which governs the application of regulations on land use and construction licenses, have indicated that the Ciudad Mallorquín project is in accordance with the law. and meets the requirements established for the approval and execution of this type of urban and housing developments,” the Committee points out.

Furthermore, it states that these authorities are “committed to properly monitoring the obligations imposed in these instruments to ensure that they are fully complied with.”

He adds that the triple A company has also considered that the project complies with all regulations regarding the provision of drinking water supply services and wastewater management through its aqueduct and sewage systems.

“The Metropolitan Area of ​​Barranquilla coordinates with Grupo Argos the articulation of that entity’s Sustainable Mobility Plan and the Comprehensive Transportation Analysis, Monitoring and Planning Plan, designed by said company, to serve with the Intelligent Collective Public Transportation System, Sibus , the user demand for this service that Ciudad Mallorquín will generate,” the statement reads.

Next, the Atlantic Inter-Union Committee highlighted the importance of “maintaining respect for legal stability and institutionality in the face of urban planning and environmental standards to continue attracting capital, growth and development and guarantee business activity that, in accordance with the law, energizes the economy of these territories and improves the living conditions of the population.”

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