Minister Vargas Arizu agreed on the regional promotion of the industry with his counterparts from San Juan and San Luis

Minister Vargas Arizu agreed on the regional promotion of the industry with his counterparts from San Juan and San Luis
Minister Vargas Arizu agreed on the regional promotion of the industry with his counterparts from San Juan and San Luis

“To start this path, The Industrial Unions of San Juan, San Luis and Mendoza, together with the Ministers of Production and/or Economy of the same provinces, focus on four major issues that link the provinces of our region.on which we can design specific policies in a framework of public-private coordination,” explain the businessmen and officials.

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Governor Alfredo Cornejo also participated in the meeting of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) in Mendoza.

The four points that the UIA will focus on

1. Natural resources and energy

Each of our provinces has natural resources whose exploitation and development, within the framework of global sustainability agendas, are key to generating foreign currency through exports, and attracting local and/or foreign investments. Strengthen this path in mining, oil, gas, solar, wind or hydraulic energy generation It enables the development of a wide array of suppliers throughout the region, strengthening a large SME productive network with enclaves in the respective locations, linking with the rest of the Argentine territory.

2. Infrastructure and communications

Linking our provinces requires obvious improvements in road infrastructure, not only on the national routes that link us, but also on numerous provincial routes and productive roads that are part of our regional economic matrix. It is necessary expand the network of highways, highways, and access roads to productive centers, with works that contemplate transportation in dual-train trucks or multimodality along with rail. The bi-oceanic corridor and the passes to Chile have a central role in this agenda.

In the same sense, it is necessary expansion of connectivity in parks and/or industrial zoneslast-mile fiber optic connections, promote the development of 5G necessary for 4.0 technologies in industry, and also satellite internet for rural areas or areas far from industrial centers.

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Mauricio Badaloni from Mendoza, member of the executive committee of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA).

3. Logistics and transportation

All improvements in infrastructure linked to transportation and logistics have a positive impact on the national and international competitiveness of our industries. In this sense, With railways, bittrains, and multimodal cargo stations, free zones and dry ports, we can project a connected industry in the region of Cuyo, towards the country, and abroad. In particular, the bioceanic corridor is an opportunity sale, based on the optimization and greater efficiencies in the Cristo Redentor pass, as well as the Pehuenche and Agua Negra passes in San Juan.

4. Tax and financing

First of all, promote the need for fiscal balance of the nation and our provinces. Within this framework, continue working to continue reducing the tax burden in our provincial territories. Taking into account the particular realities, establish as a basic principle, the non-increase of rates or the creation of new ones.

In the same way, create a regional committee to analyze and prepare proposals to improve the competitiveness conditions of the region and of the intervening provinces in tax and administrative aspects, seeking to promote comparative advantages that are attractive for new investments, also consolidating industrial activity in each of the intervening provincial territories.

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