The Río Negro Police recovered the stolen items from the Roca hospital

It all started this morning, when hospital workers found the institution’s pharmacy completely in disarray, with a lack of medications and other valuables from the establishment and the staff. From there the police were quickly notified, a criminal complaint was made in Unit 31 and the intense operation of the Ministry of Security began to find the whereabouts of the criminals and the loot.

Deputy Commissioner Sebastián Araya said that “due to the unit’s own work, cameras were collected and testimonies received until the possible identity of the perpetrator of the incident was established. At noon, a person was already listed as the author, field work began, which was made difficult because he is a person who does not have a home, but we already knew that he was from the northern zone.

This is how in the afternoon “it was possible to establish an address where this person had arrived in the early hours of the morning with the bags and items that he had stolen from the hospital. All the items that were stolen could be found there,” said the Deputy Commissioner.

In this way, personnel from Unit 31, and with permanent support from the Ministry of Security and Justice of the province, the Roca Investigation Brigade and the Criminalistics Office, managed to recover more than 31 thousand pills that were intended for the care of patients of the institution, along with other objects of important value, belonging to the hospital and its workers.

The Government of the province highlights the efficiency and speed of action of the personnel of the different bodies of the Ministry of Security, who managed to successfully carry out this operation.


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