Bruno Belmonte Alamañac: Jane Birkin’s orthodontist

Bruno Belmonte Alamañac: Jane Birkin’s orthodontist
Bruno Belmonte Alamañac: Jane Birkin’s orthodontist

Isabella Rossellini, who not in vain must have known something about the subject, for herself and as the daughter of Ingrid Bergman, said that beauty is in what makes us unique, singular and original. To her, for example, They inspired the carnal laughter of Magnani, the fierce eyebrows of Frida Kahlo or the unkempt nails of the unforgettable Audry Hepburn. There is no true beauty without a touch of imperfection. We live in times, however, in which perhaps due to the omnipresent tyranny of social networks, every trait that individualizes us in our fascinating unrepeatable condition is perceived as a pernicious dissidence. We are grumpy, we are lazy and reluctant to all kinds of self-imposed sporting torture, we do not take the ten thousand steps recommended by the WHO every day, our triglycerides are through the roof and too often we do not face daily adversity with an optimistic and entrepreneurial spirit. And despite all this we continue to be a wonderful miracle, imperfect, chaotic, and often desperate, and, precisely for the same reason, with an inexhaustible power of seduction. Think about it every time the person next to you wakes up with a sprained foot, bags under their eyes, or insecticidal breath. There’s been a lot of talk lately about GPT Chat’s growing ability to hold indistinguishable human conversations, and the various platforms are inundated with AI-generated images. Look in the photographs of those deliquescent models for that indefinable pout on those lips that once took away all traces of sanity. Don’t expect the Alexia on duty to entangle you one night in the intricate labyrinths of desire, uncertainty and imagination on fire. We intend to keep ourselves safe in a plasticized world, that does not hurt, that does not contradict or confront us, and, like the princess in the story, we have decreed that no one who has a heart will ever enter the castle of our self-absorbed loneliness. Like Joaquin Phoenix’s character in Her, we prefer a virtual Scarlett Johansson, undaunted by our scruffy appearance or our flirtatious cronies, interchangeable at the click of a button. What else do the current courtships involve at the touch of a scroll on the mobile screen. There is something in the algorithm that is very scary, and that goes back to purges of the worst past, like a pulpit from which what is different is called error. The exultant early mornings of our twenties or the first time we saw the sun rise drunk with happiness, the sudden whirlwind of passion or that summer that had its beach, its song and its eye color, the best of our lives was elusive and painful in its indomitable and fleeting beauty. Today, how widespread the custom of braces has become to achieve instagrammable teeth, imagine what the orthodontist would have done with Jane Birkin’s palettes. The wonderful irregular, unorthodox and sublime palettes of Jane Birkin.

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