Crisis in Misiones: the Church intercedes and asks for dialogue to urgently resolve the conflict

The bishops of Missions They issued a document in which they urged to “avoid confrontation” and recover the means of dialogue between protesters and the provincial government. “We are closely following the serious events of these days. In complex situations like the one we are going through, we must avoid fueling confrontation and we must promote the wisest and most appropriate way to confront our conflicts, which is the search for consensus through dialogue “they highlighted in the document signed by bishops Juan Rubén Martínez, from Posadas, Damián Santiago Bitar, from Oberá and Nicolás Baisi, from Puerto Iguazú.

“Close to the memory of the May Revolution, we call on rulers and citizens to assume the national events that opened with hope fundamental processes for our Nation, as a legacy that challenges us to continue working for justice and peace, paying special attention to the most needy. And we invite all the People of God who are pilgrims in this Province to join in the masses and celebrations this weekend, to ask together Jesus Christ, the Lord of History, to grant us all the wisdom of the world. dialogue and the joy of hope that does not disappoint,” the document states

Camping and road closures

After a violent Thursday in front of the provincial Legislature and the private home of Governor Hugo Passalacqua, during the day on Friday retired and active police and provincial prison service personnel, a group of teachers and health personnel continue with the camp on the avenue Uruguay and its intersection with Trincheras de San José Avenue, in front of the Radioelectric Command of I de Posadas in demand of salary improvements. “We have been here for eight days and we will not move until we get a corresponding increase that will take us out of poverty,” said a group of protesters.

As mentioned, the protesters demand a 100% increase in their salaries. The provincial government offered them 30% that was rejected in Thursday’s assembly: “We have open dialogue.” At the same time, they ask for an amnesty, that is, no sanctions for those who demonstrate: “We want Government Minister Marcelo Pérez to retract his announcement of sanctions and dismissals.”

Teachers cut off national routes 12 and 14.

Protesters are questioned having taken police phones and a car bomb which are used as barricades in the camp.

On the other hand, in the center of the city of Posadas, the employees of Energía de Misiones Sociedad Anónima also demonstrate with their salary demands. This Friday at different company headquarters there was burning of roofs preventing entry to the establishment.

In another order, teachers from the interior who do not accept the 34% increase carried out cuts on national routes 14 and 12 in different locations and even in the municipality of Jardín América, located about 100 kilometers north of Posadas, preventing the income of municipal staff and taxpayers.

“It is what we can grant”

In dialogue with Misiones Online, Ramiro Aranda, Minister of Education highlighted that the dialogue table with the six unions remains constantly open. “Every month we sit down and look at the different updates regarding salary and other issues that are outside the salary, that have to do with life and teaching work,” he said.

“We were able to sign an agreement that updates the position of undergraduate teacher, which here in Misiones is paid for four hours. A position for a four-hour shift goes from 265 thousand pesos to 400 thousand pesos,” he explained.

And he completed: “In the case of secondary school, if you have 21 hours without seniority, you will earn 562,898 pesos and if you have 42 hours, 973 thousand pesos.” Meanwhile, for the higher level, a teacher without seniority will earn with the recomposition a salary of 893,719 pesos for 30 hours, with the possibility of taking 12 more hours at the secondary level.

Regarding the demand for a higher salary that persists from a group of self-convened protesters, the minister noted that “It is a number that is not being paid anywhere in the country, they are asking for 850 thousand pesos; that amount does not exist in the country, it is not paid to anyone in the witness position without seniority, because no province is able to reach it. Above all, with the economic crisis at the national level and with the drops in participation and collection that the provinces are experiencing.”

Sales fell 95%

Manuel Amores, president of the Posadas Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that due to the camp, sales fell by up to 95% and more than 80 businesses were affected. “The entire commercial sector is being harmed. Especially around Radioeléctrico, since we have blocked streets,” he commented.

The president of the Posadas Chamber of Commerce and Industry pointed out that they understand the genuineness of the workers’ claim, “but the commercial crisis, which has already been hit since February and March due to low collection and the loss of public works, is getting worse. with the interruption of traffic and the camping in front of businesses.

“It is affecting us a lot,” said Amores, emphasizing that merchants have rights and obligations that include the payment of salaries, rents, energy and taxes. In the current lockdown situation, fulfilling these responsibilities becomes almost impossible.

Businesses in crisis due to the streets blocked in the center.

crisis committee

Amores highlighted the formation of a crisis committee to address the problem. “Yesterday (Thursday) we had an extraordinary meeting with the entire Uruguay Avenue sector and we formed a business crisis committee, because if this persists like this, they will have to close their doors,” he declared.

The Chamber of Commerce presented a petition to both the governor of Misiones (Hugo Passalacqua) and the mayor of Posadas (Leonardo Stelatto), asking for a peaceful solution and for the sidewalks and roads to be freed to be able to work. In addition, he warned about the use of electricity by the protesters, who are hanging from the poles of businesses.

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