CÓRDOBA MARÍA AUXILIADORA | Córdoba surrenders to the plants of María Auxiliadora

CÓRDOBA MARÍA AUXILIADORA | Córdoba surrenders to the plants of María Auxiliadora
CÓRDOBA MARÍA AUXILIADORA | Córdoba surrenders to the plants of María Auxiliadora

The celebration of Mary Help of Christians, in imagesAJ Gonzalez


Like every May 24 Córdoba It is dyed sky blue and pink to welcome the festival of Mary Help of Christians, a festival that the Salesians of Cordoba prepare with a lot of love and affection to honor their patron saint, María Auxiliadora. Thus arrived this day, and as a culmination of the novena that they have been celebrating in recent weeks, the Virgin is transferred to the courtyard of the Salesianos school where she was received by hundreds of students, parents, school teachers and the Salesian community that year after year They prostrate before Her to pay homage to Her on this special day in which they celebrate her festival.

The Eucharist began this Friday in the school courtyard, presided over by the vicar general of the diocese, Jesús Daniel Alonso. The vicar highlighted the Virgin as the spiritual center of this school. in which Mary Help of Christians is the lighthouse and guide for these young people who forge their education here day by day.

The procession

After the Eucharist, it was formed the procession in which the Virgin processed through the streets of the traditional neighborhood of San Lorenzo. As in previous years, the passage of the Virgin was preceded by Saint Dominic Savio who appeared in a simple stretcher adorned with white carnations and Saint John Bosco in his passage carried by costaleros, a passage decorated in red carnation and lilium also in red, Don Bosco He walked to the sounds of the band Caído-Fuensanta.

While these images were looking for María Auxiliadora Street, the patron saint of the Salesians was advancing through the school courtyard. Shortly after, María Auxiliadora, on her golden path adorned with white flowers where orchids predominated, He was reunited with the city among streets decorated with the characteristic light blue and pink color. with banners where you could read “Córdoba surrendered to your plants” or “Neighborhood Help.” The Mairena del Alcor music band performed the first of the marches and María Auxiliadora began her triumphant procession through the streets of the city among a wave of humans who, once again, as her anthem says, were surrendered to her plants.


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