The 48th edition of the UASLP National Book Fair begins – El Sol de San Luis

The 48th edition of the UASLP National Book Fair begins – El Sol de San Luis
The 48th edition of the UASLP National Book Fair begins – El Sol de San Luis

The 48th edition of the UASLP National Book Fairwith the presence of the head of the university community Alejandro Zermeño Guerrawas used to award the University of Guanajuato (UG), which is the guest of honor of this editionwith the University Editorial Merit Award for being a public higher education institution with a long publishing history. The recognition was received by the Secretary of Management and Development of the UG, Graciela Ruíz Aguilar, representing the rector Claudia Susana Gómez López.

The decoration also highlights the great effort to the physical and digital production of books with scientific, literary and popularization contentmanaging to generate networks of knowledge and promotion of reading inside and outside the university itself.

The director of Editorial Development and Publications of the UASLP, Patricia Flores Blavier, highlighted that the event addresses three axes: promoting childhood reading through parents and schools; the presentation of women talking about agenda items; and the formation of the publishing industry. In addition, traditional activities such as book presentations, workshops and cultural events, for children and youth audiences.

Meanwhile, the rector maintained that this book festival represents one of the substantive tasks of the university, the dissemination of culture to be close to society. For this reason, he reiterated the invitation to the public to enjoy nine days of activities, from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and tour the exhibitors’ stands, since the entry is free.

He also considered that these types of events “are wonderful, that we are talking about a process that is reaching its forty-eighth edition, we have a special guest from the University of Guanajuato, a sister university that also has a lot of work and is a national reference for cultural scientific work. I believe that these types of actions such as this fair are something that the educational institution, as well as the university in any of its stages, seeks to bring the community closer to culture.”

There are scientific books, novels, poems, very varied literature, for all tastes, from children to very high-level specific topics.Our obligation as an institution is to bring this closer to the community, that is why it is done here in the center, we could be much larger and in better climatic conditions, but here we want to get closer to society and that is the reason why we are here and this me it gives a lot of pleasure. If there is a large participation of various publishing houses and in the case of the dissemination of culture it is being fulfilled at this moment the number is attention to more than 100 publishing houses”.

This event will end next June 1 “If we are interested in being better people, we have to learn to read”

The opening ceremony was attended by Federico Arturo Garza Herrera, general secretary, the secretary of Cultural Diffusion, Cynthia Valle Meade, members of the University Board of Directors, the External Advisory Council, as well as representatives of university departments and exhibitors. .

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