Radio Havana Cuba | They confer the Coat of Arms of Holguín to Cuban Radio

Radio Havana Cuba | They confer the Coat of Arms of Holguín to Cuban Radio
Radio Havana Cuba | They confer the Coat of Arms of Holguín to Cuban Radio

Yusaima Cardona, director of Cuban Radio, receives the Shield of Holguín. (Photo: ACN)

Holguín, May 24 (RHC) The Shield of Holguín, awarded by the Government of the province, was conferred this Friday to Cuban Radio during the opening gala of the XIV edition of the National University Radio Festival, to be held until next day 26 in this city.

Yusaima Cardona, director of Cuban Radio, recalled how the centenary media outlet, which was born the same year that Julio Antonio Mella founded the University Student Federation (FEU), maintains strong ties with the organization to train new generations.

Young university students live in a complex context but their country needs them, so here is the Radio with its lessons of perseverance and dedication to provide them with a unique opportunity for professional growth and help them in the demanding job of seeking information and connecting with the public. , he stressed.

Likewise, Jhon Alejandro Fernández Leyva, member of the FEU secretariat, explained that the Festival, born in Holguín, has continued to reflect the passion for radio in universities, because despite the rise of social networks, the medium persists in its informative, cultural mission and as a platform for art, which has a legion of workers in more than a hundred stations in the country.

The oral narration company Palabras al Viento, the University Choir and the students of the Raúl Gómez García Art School delighted the public with their performances outside the La Periquera Provincial Museum of History.

The meeting was attended by Joel Queipo Ruiz, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary in the province; Manuel Francisco Hernández Aguilera, governor of Holguín, and other local authorities.

Dedicated to the memory of Manuel Porto Sánchez, National Prize for Radio and Television, and to the 102nd anniversaries of Cuban Radio and the FEU, the Festival constitutes a space that encourages the radio movement in the country’s higher education institutions. (Source: ACN)

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