Days go by and no one tries to resolve the social conflict in Misiones | Governor Passalacqua remains silent

Days go by and no one tries to resolve the social conflict in Misiones | Governor Passalacqua remains silent
Days go by and no one tries to resolve the social conflict in Misiones | Governor Passalacqua remains silent

From Posadas

For the first time since many missionaries can remember, the province will not hold any official ceremony for May 25. The context of protests, demands, camps and pickets in the capital and different parts of the territory force us to make the decision that could bring the least political cost to the government of Hugo Passalacqua. After nine days of uninterrupted batifon on Uruguay Street in Posadas (the epicenter of the educational and police barricades), the governor still does not show his face to a society dismayed by an unusual scenario since the Frente Renovador de la Concordia took over power in 2003.

Although there was no official announcement in this regard, the silence was a forceful response regarding the completion of a fundamental event in the protocol and ceremonial organization chart of the first magistracy of Misiones. Until the last hours of Friday, both government officials and press workers from the main local media were dealing with the uncertainty of the non-news. Meanwhile, and just in case, some towns in the interior of the coastal province also suspended their own celebrations with reasons such as the flooding of roads due to the recurring rains and cold weather (the forecast predicts the lowest temperature in all year).

No national holiday

Of course, at this point, it is very difficult to look to the side and pretend to be distracted from the delicate social and political environment. For this reason, the Commission of Civic and Popular Festivals of Oberá (the second largest town in Misiones) justified the cancellation on the grounds that “the events make it difficult and do not guarantee the participation of school institutions and community security forces,” according to a release.

Passalacqua’s secrecy reached such a point that no district in the province would dare to host an event with its presence, even if it were the most important patriotic event of the year along with the one on July 9. Something similar happened in 2023 precisely for Independence Day in Jujuy, when the province was going through a complex moment between harsh repressions of protests over the rigged constitutional reform and routes cut off by indigenous communities in the fight, sufficient reasons for the then Governor Gerardo Morales suspended the official event planned for Humahuaca.

As if that were not enough, the national government takes turns every day to repeat as a mantra that “the problem is provincial and must be resolved by the province,” just as they have been doing from the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich to the spokesperson Manuel Adorni. , to whom Guillermo Francos joined yesterday. The Minister of the Interior had visited Posadas last month to meet with the governor and also with Carlos Rovira, the leader and conductor of the Frente Renovador de la Concordia and at the time he celebrated a political alliance of which he now does not seem to take much responsibility. In the different pickets he begins to circulate an ironic but hurtful phrase: “Lonelier than Passalacqua on May 25.”

a crazy

However, the main attraction on the anniversary of the May Revolution will then be the event with popular celebrations organized by the teachers in their camp in Uruguay and Trincheras de San José and scheduled for 10:30 am. At the moment there is no confirmation of anything similar on the barricades of the dissident uniformed men, who had a busy Friday of comings and goings with the Police Headquarters where some meetings were held without success: the government offered a 30 percent increase, a proposal rejected by the troops stationed around the Posadas Radioelectric Command.

For their part, health personnel continue their camping and cutting in front of the Ministry of Health of Misiones, while workers from the Luz y Fuerza union held assemblies in all the departments of Energía de Misiones Sociedad Anónima, the state company that supplies supplies to the province. The union’s demands had begun on Thursday afternoon, when several workers stood in front of the EMSA central building to demand the opening of joint negotiations, while today they decided to expand their area of ​​action.

Workers in the energy sector assure that there are already salary agreements at the national level that Misiones has not yet approved, while they also denounce unpaid salary debts on the part of the company. If an agreement is not reached, those represented by Luz y Fuerza are analyzing intensifying the protest measures.

Furthermore, beyond Posadas there are also protests that change positions depending on the day. On Friday morning, for example, there were cuts in San José, San Vicente, Jardín de América, the department of Iguazú and different sections of routes 12 and 14.

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