“I let Justice act”

The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, spoke about the complaint of abuse against the mayor of La Matanza, Fernando Espinoza, and maintained that he lets “Justice act.”

During a tour of the provincial interior, Kicillof made reference to the prosecution that the Justice issued against the communal leader and indicated that he does not know “What is the situation of each one of those who are in their private face, which is personal.

Meanwhile, he stressed that the province of Buenos Aires is the only one that has a Ministry of Women and assured that his position on the issue is “very clear.”

Kicillof was shown with Fernando Espinoza after the prosecution

When asked why he appeared with Espinoza this week when his judicial case was already known during a public event, he indicated: “What I’m saying is that if I go or don’t go, I’m not making a court ruling, because it’s not my role.”

Espinoza, very close to Vice Governor Verónica Magario, was prosecuted and seized within the framework of a sexual abuse case initiated by a former employee of his.

The woman was the girlfriend of a friend of Espinoza and was working as his secretary in 2021 when the reported events occurred.

This Thursday, President Javier Milei questioned Kicillof and Kirchnerism for having a “double standard” and “protecting” leaders accused of “aberrant” things.

Melody Rakaskausthe complainant, said that evidence disappeared

The complainant of Fernando Espinozaa fact that led to the prosecution for sexual abuse and disobedience of the mayor of La Matanza, Melody Rakaskausstated this Friday, May 24, that evidence from the file disappeared.

“I tried to contact the Justice Department to inform them that they have eliminated evidence that I provided (it does not appear in the file now… what happened to that? I provided more audios than there are now: there are 10 and there were approximately 19 audios”he wrote in an Instagram story.

The complainant wonders where the missing audios are, but in the end she clarifies that she has copies of the audios she provided.

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