Gun plan against journalists in Cúcuta: AK 47 organization declared them a “military objective”

Gun plan against journalists in Cúcuta: AK 47 organization declared them a “military objective”
Gun plan against journalists in Cúcuta: AK 47 organization declared them a “military objective”

FLIP highlights the alarming increase in attacks against journalists in Norte de Santander, calling for a thorough investigation of recent threats and pamphlets – credit iStock

On May 24, 2024, a pamphlet began to circulate on networks and WhatsApp groups, signed by the criminal gang AK47, in which serious threats were made against journalists, the mayor, Jorge Acevedo, his Secretary of Security, Diego Villamizar, and the commander of the Cúcuta Police, Colonel William Quintero Salazar. Although the authenticity of the document is not confirmed, the situation reflects the violence that affects the city.

The pamphlet declares a “pistol plan” aimed at all radio, television and social media journalists who report on the band. In addition, it imposes a curfew in certain areas of the city, from 8:00 pm “We inform all businesses at the Cúcuta Transportation terminal, 7th and 8th avenues and their surroundings ‘ZERO HOUR'” and establishes several officials as military objectives. For their part, local journalists asked the National Protection Unit (UNP) to accelerate the necessary protection studies.

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The document mentions verbatim: “The AK 47 organization has decided on the gun plan in the city of Cúcuta, aimed at all radio, TV, social media journalists and anyone who speaks or comments about our organization.” In addition, it warns of sanctions for those who publish information contrary to that group. As reported in local media, the journalistic community in Cúcuta thanks organizations that defend press freedom for their support and asks for greater speed in protection measures.

A document released by AK47 endangers journalists and officials, imposing curfew and sanctions for disclosing information in Cúcuta – credit social networks

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press (Flip) reported threats made by a criminal organization against journalists in the city of Cúcuta. In recent days, several communicators in the city have reported information related to the criminal activities of this organization, which has generated concern in the union. La Flip classified the situation as alarming, within the framework of an intensification of violence in Cúcuta.

So far in 2024, the foundation has documented 23 attacks against journalists in the department bordering Venezuela, almost double the number recorded in 2023. In addition, the murder of journalist Jaime Vásquez was reported on April 14, known for his investigations on issues of public interest in Cúcuta and the entire northern Santander territory.

“As a consequence of the escalation of attacks and the absence of guarantees and responses from the authorities, some journalists have preferred to refrain from publishing information related to security issues, judicial matters and actions of criminal gangs, for fear of suffering reprisals” said Flip.

Criminal organization AK7 intensifies violent actions against the press, while FLIP urges the Prosecutor’s Office and the National Protection Unit to intervene urgently – credit iStock

On the other hand, a documentation mission carried out in early May revealed that local journalists live in fear, which affects press freedom and citizens’ access to crucial information. It is worth mentioning that The Inter-American Court of Human Rights emphasizes that journalism can only be exercised freely without threats or attacks. Therefore, the constitutional obligation to protect communicators and guarantee a safe environment for their informative work is highlighted.

The Foundation for Freedom of the Press called on the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the threats made in the pamphlet and other cases of violence against journalists in Cúcuta. Likewise, he urged the local Mayor’s Office and the Police to develop prevention and protection strategies. Likewise, he stated that the UNP must prioritize risk studies and adapt protection schemes to the high vulnerability of journalists in the city.

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