Due to the death of a condor, they ask for ‘friendly’ combat against foxes and pumas: “grazing with dogs in Río Negro must be reinforced”

The death of a condor released within the framework of the “Andean Condor Conservation Project” (PCCA) once again put the focus on the methods used by rural producers to combat native species that attack livestockLike the pumas and the foxes.

Yastay (the bird in question) died one meter from the sheep to which they had placed a deadly bait, with the intention, presumably, of eliminating predators. They used Carbofuran, a powerful pesticide banned in the country by the National Agri-Food Health and Quality Service (Senasa). It was 32 km south of El Caín (Río Negro), almost on the border with Chubut, in the middle of this month.

The condor was part of one of the releases that took place in Sierra Paileman in 2022, and its death was more than 214 km from its release location. destroying all the economic and human investment that was put at the service of its care, for the return to nature.

The condor that was found dead. The autopsy determined that it was due to poisoning.

«There is a law that is number 1,763, which dates back to 1972 and allows pumas and foxes that cause damage to livestock to be exterminated by producers. Obviously without the use of poisons, which are prohibited. But yes through other methods. It turns out that this idea is obsolete, but it was not revised. Because Today there is another vision, and it is known that environmentally this is not correct, but the norm persists. “This encourages the idea that to combat predators you have to kill them.” said Fabián Llanos, who is a technician at the Wildlife Directorate of Río Negro and former Undersecretary of Biodiversity.

«Currently management is holistic. If the ecosystem is healthy, it is known that anything can be produced, but in a friendly way. 50 years ago the outlook was different. The motto seemed to be “anything that causes me a problem I have to eliminate.” Now we are looking for ‘friendly’ ways to combat predators.” the man explained.

«The most effective methods to repel the attack of certain carnivorous animals – which are the big problem for producers – are night confinement and grazing. If they are large paintings, the confinement is more difficult. But the use of livestock protection dogs is the most successful option. These dogs live with the sheepand with their mere presence they protect them from attacks, because Predators smell them and move away. Promotion actions have been carried out for a decade, promoted by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA), and by other organizations,” he reported.

Next to the bird, a sheep was found, which was used as toxic bait to combat predators.

However, he considered that the reluctance of some producers to implement this modality is cultural. «I always say that we imported sheep from Europe and Asia, but we did not bring the method. If you Google ‘shepherd’ you will see a man walking with a stick, and perhaps with a dog at his side, while the little sheep follow him. In Spain, Italy or France that is the way of care. But There is no grazing culture here, the animals are left free. If this practice persists, things can go well or badly, because everything will depend on the predators that exist,” he analyzed.

About the use of poisoned baits the expert was blunt. «It is something that is prohibited, due to the impact of these substances, and because of how it influences the entire chain. For example, if you set out to kill a fox, it can eat and die. But the chimangos, the ojotes, the condors, the furry ones, the skunks and all those who have passed by that poisoned carrion also die. That is to say, the environmental damage to the entire chain is tremendous,” he warned.

He added that “we must not forget that foxes and wildcats are the natural controllers of rodents. “If I take them out, species that produce Hantavirus, for example, begin to proliferate.”

Finally, he warned that “this is going to continue happening, because here we have to make a paradigm shift, and put environmental education first. We have worked a lot on this during the previous administration, but these actions must continue. We must educate and raise awareness among the residents, but starting with the youngest, so that when they are adults and in charge of production they understand that all species are important for environmental balance. This type of teaching is not easy. It has to be constant, because where you slacked off you have already lost contact with some generation.» he assured.

The voice of environmentalists

Fernando Miñarro, the conservation director of the environmentalist foundation «Vida Silvestre», agreed with Llanos about the need to rethink regulations that tend to exterminate predators.

Herding dogs are an effective solution to combat predators

«These types of laws that allow hunting were not a solution in Patagonia. They do not solve the problems that a producer has with his sheep flock, or with any other type of livestock. We must work together, review other plans for the control of this fauna.» evaluated.

Recently, together with another group of environmental organizations, the members of their foundation released a document, in which They urge the Patagonian provinces to rethink these regulations.

«We must go back with the authorization of the hunting of pumas, foxes and key species for natural ecosystems. Likewise, it is encouraged to work on the problem of conflict between fauna and sheep production, but with a more appropriate approach that seeks coexistence,” the text states.

«Scientific studies show that most top predators, such as foxes and pumas, prevent population explosions of other species such as European hares and guanacos. They also contribute to keeping the densities of other predators, such as the red fox, low. Considering other alternative practices for the protection of livestock, other than hunting, is the way» they stated.

What the producers think

The producers, for their part, explained that the situation is complicated. They said that the advance of desertification and droughts caused species like Foxes and pumas will choose to feed on the livestock they raise, because in natural environments it is not easy to find what to eat..

In Río Negro several actions were launched to encourage the incorporation of dogs to protect livestock

«Our sheep were dying due to the attacks. In some of the fields of the Province it is no longer convenient to engage in this exploitation. In our case we are opting for the breeding of mares (equines). But the foals are also attacked. said Lautaro Riavitz, who is a veterinarian and son of a livestock producer from Ramos Mexía.

He considered that, in general, the problem is aggravated by «the lack of people in the fields, and of trained personnel. “In addition, there is a lack of adequate facilities, such as corrals.” He assured that grazing can be a good method, but confinement is difficult in the area. “If you have many animals you can’t lock them up.” And he shared that To manage their horses, they are testing the inclusion of “donkeys or mules, which serve as protection against pumas.”

Grazing with dogs, a hope

In the Province, programs are underway that tend to incorporate herding dogs. One of the last actions took place on the South Line, in the town of Valcheta. There they began to work with dogs of the Maremano and Montaña del Pirineo breeds.

“The dog adopts the flock as its peers and that is what makes it stay with them in the field. From birth he becomes attached to that other species. The predators detect that this space is already occupied by a carnivore, which has covered that territory, and moves away. This reduces attacks by 90%.. That is why we must continue to encourage these practices,” said agricultural engineer Franca Bidinost, from the predation management program carried out by the Rural Extension Agency of INTA Bariloche.

Dogs are allies of livestock producers

Notably Río Negro consulted Roberto Espósito- the Undersecretary of Wildlife of the Ministry of Economic and Productive Development – about the actions that are in force to address the issue, but there were no answers.

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