Today, Holistic Fair with Family Constellations in Plaza Alvarado – You may be interested

Today, Holistic Fair with Family Constellations in Plaza Alvarado – You may be interested
Today, Holistic Fair with Family Constellations in Plaza Alvarado – You may be interested

For this Saturday, Family Constellations will be the center; There will also be runes, mancies, and oracles.

Alejandra Ruiz, constellator, will be in charge of this therapy, which is defined as a phenomenological healing tool. She summarizes it as “working on a morphic field, where the memories of our ancestors are.”

Alejandra explains that this morphic work “allows us to release situations that we carry forward out of loyalty to our clan.”

In relation to the Morphic Field, Alejandra Ruiz defines it as what connects with the ancestors.

Every time a member of a species learns a new behavior, the morphological or productive field of the species changes. This change is, at first, barely perceptible, but if the behavior is repeated over a certain period of time, its morphic resonance affects the entire species. Thus there are patterns that are reiterated, adding the constellation that “all situations of abandonment, abuse, murder or other behaviors, generated, through generations, life in our morphological field, and through this mechanism of repetition, we generate that belonging, since it is something that was already in the clan.”

Asked why it can be confirmed, Alejandra said that “any situation can be constellated, any issue that is noticed that does not allow us to move forward, or that is repeated through generations.”

When constellating, Ruiz assures that “you clearly feel that state of liberation after a constellation. It is also a healing for the offspring.”

People over 18 years of age can participate, the reservation is given for people who are pregnant, or who are under psychiatric treatment.

On this occasion the Constellation will be carried out in groups and open.

“Mothers with children or family groups can also attend, and if they request privacy they will be given.”

The appointment is today between 2 and 11 p.m. in Plaza Alvarado.

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