Pacto Contigo Chile Mejor presents platform for the primaries (+Photo)

Pacto Contigo Chile Mejor presents platform for the primaries (+Photo)
Pacto Contigo Chile Mejor presents platform for the primaries (+Photo)

The site offers information about the objectives of this alliance, the candidates who will compete in 46 communes in the country, the people who will be able to vote and those who will serve as members, among other concerns.

The pact brings together the Government formations (Socialist Party (PS), Communist, Radical, Liberal, Social Convergence, Democratic Revolution, Comunes, Party for Democracy (PPD), Social Green Regionalist Federation and Humanist Action), together with Democracy Christian.

Camilo Escalona, ​​general secretary of the PS, highlighted the importance of presenting unitary candidates in each of the municipalities to strengthen local government.

“Chilean democracy, threatened by the extreme right that has no homeland, can be strengthened by improving institutions,” he said.

For his part, Cristóbal Barra, vice president of the PPD, stated that among the objectives of the candidates for the alliance are to improve health, public spaces and, of course, meet the great demand for security.

In next month’s primaries, candidates for mayors in 60 communes and governors in the regions of Coquimbo and Aysén will be chosen.

Another alliance that will participate in that contest is the right-wing Chile Vamos, made up of Renovación Nacional, the Independent Democratic Union and Evópoli, which will hold elections to define candidates for communal leaders in 20 municipalities and for governors in two regions.

The conservative Social Christian Party also signed up to nominate candidates for both positions.

These elections are the first step in the process towards the elections on October 27, where the governors and regional councilors, mayors and councilors will be chosen in the 345 communes of the country.

The municipal elections are considered key and a prelude to what could happen in the parliamentary and presidential elections of 2025.


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